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* 40 ʯʫˋʦ ʲʮʥʨʹ ʲʬˋ ʨʰ‫ٷ‬ʤ ʯʣʲʸ ʱʲ . ʩʥʨ ʩʥʥ ʨʰʩʸ ʱʲ ʯʷʬˌʥʥ ʯʷʰˋʬʹ ʯʥ˦ ʯʸʲʨʱʩʬ˦ ʲʩʥʬʡ ʱˌʣ . ʥ˦ ʯʲʰʩʥʸʷ ʩʣ ʯʩʠ ʯʹʩʥʸ ʸʲʨʸʲʥʥ ʲʢʥʬʷ ʲʫʩʥʤ ʸʲʮʩʩʡ ʩʣ ʯ , ʲʨʬˋ ʩʣ ʯʥ˦ , ʸʲʮʩʥʸʨ ʲʷʩʣʬˋʥʥʲʢ , ʯʸʲʨʹ ʯʣʲʩ ʯʥʠ ʨˋʬʡ ʯʣʲʩ ʨʩʮ ʵʸˋʤ ʯ‫ٷ‬ʮ ʯʩʠ ʯʬˋ˦ ʯʥʠ . ʯʸʲʤ ʥʨʱʰʲʷ ʯʥʠ , ʣʮˋʦ ʸʲʣ ʨʸʲʨʩʶ ʱʲ ʩʥʥ ʨʫˋʰ ʸʲʣ ʯʥ˦ ʨʩʸʨ ʲʮˋʦʢʰˋʬ ʲʮˋʦʰʩʩʠ ʩʣ ʸʲʨʰʥʠ ? ʱʩʥʸʢ ʯʥʠ ʪʲʬʸʲ‫˦ٷ‬ ʯʥʠ ʱʩʥʸˋ ʪʩʦ ʨʬʷ‫ٷ‬ʷ ʨʩʩʸʡ ˋ ʢʰˋʦʲʢ ʯʲʩʥʸʢ ʭʲʣ ʯʥ˦ , ʯʩʩʨʹ ʯʨʬʢʰʩʸʮʥʠ ʱʰʨˌʹ ʨʩʮ . ʥʣ ʯʥʠ , ʸʲʡʩʬ ʯ‫ٷ‬ʮ , ʸʲʡʩʬ ʯ‫ٷ‬ʮ , ʨʱʢ‫ٷ‬ʥʥʹ ʥʣ . 41 “ALL MUTE THINGS SPEAK TODAY” All mute things speak today. The blue murmuring of a whispy cloud falls like dew. Lofty words from the great dreamers of old rustle in the treetops and fall on my heart with every leaf and every star. Can you hear it— how the sand is quivering under the lonely, slow tread of night? Solemnly and grandly a rich chant peals forth from the gray, shrouded stone. And you, my dear, my dear, you are silent. ...
