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Illustrations Generalized distribution of exotic annual grassland Routes of Spanish explorers Vegetation recorded by Franciscan expeditions in the California desert Vegetation recorded by Franciscan expeditions in southern California Vegetation recorded by Franciscan expeditions from Santa Barhara to Monterey Vegetation recorded by Franciscan expeditions from Monterey to San Francisco Vegetation recorded by Franciscan expeditions in the Central Valley Lands ~lnder Mexican control, and domestic livestock, I 846 Distribution of antelope and elk during the Spanishhlexican period Mexican land grants Diseizo of Rancho las Flores Direiio of Rancho Omochumnes Diseiio of Rancho Laguna de Temecula Disciio of Rancho Kew Helvetia Estimated area per animal unit of cattle, 1 8 ~ 0 - 3 I The "Altar Cloth of San Pasqual," Pasadena, 1x9 j The "circle tour" taken by weekend wildflo~ver enthusiasts Wildflowers in the Antelope Valley Y Illustrations 4.4. ( a )Brome-dommated g r x s l m d In creosote bush s c l ~ ~ b near Kramer Juuct~on 111 the h l o j ~ \ e Desert, '~fterthree wet years; (bi same 'lre'l \X ~ t h underitor\ o k \X lldflo\vers, after multq ear drought 234 4.5. Creosote bush scrub on Bla~sdell~ l l u t LII tan near P A n S p n g s : ('1) dense col er ot Int as11e Br ornlrs rnadutetzsls and Br.ilsslcn townefortii. 1988;(h)bare ground durmg two-1ear drought, r 990 2 3 6 4.6. Annual herbaceous coter in spring nt BOYSprmgs lIount,~~ns, ~989-2003:( a )dens~tt ; (bj blomass 238 4 Erequenc~ of Bromus mldutemlr ,lt Box Spr~ngs hlountains, I 998-2006 244 4.8. Once In a l~fetlrne bloom at Joshua Tree N,itlon,d P'irk, zoo5 24 7 ...
