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136 LES CLAMARIAN LOS VALLES Revivirfan los pastos de Chile ay sf un dios mfo se resonaran los pobres valles que quemaron Para que dolorosos los campos de Chile no sean los campos que vieron sino un dios mfo clamandose al aire resonante sonoro en el viento destellando el vocear de la revivida II 1. S610 un dios mfo clamadan los valles de la revivida H. Asf los mismos pastizales sedan un clamor tirado al viento HI. Entonces emocionado Chile entero se alzada por los pastos que viven inmensos llorando sobre el primer verdor de la llanura (REVIVIDAS VERDEARAN) Para que empecinado este vocear comience a levantarse desde los campos hasta que todo 10 que vive sea el retumbe de un dios mfo clamandose en esas llanuras Ifmpido resonante en el viento coreando como a una sola voz la enverdecida THE VALLEYS WOULD CRY OUT TO THEM The meadows of Chile would revive ay sf the poor valleys that they burned would echo "my god" So that grieving the fields of Chile will not be the fields they saw but a "my god" crying out in the air resounding sonorous beaming in the wind the shouting of this country revived II t. The valleys of the revived would only cry out "my god" 11. So the prairies themselves would be a cry cast to the wind ttt. Then all Chile moved would rise up in the living meadows immense weeping over the first green of the prairie REVIVED THEY'LL BE GREEN So that obstinate this shouting can begin to rise up from the fields until everything alive becomes the rumble of a "my god" limpid resounding crying out in these prairies singing to the wind as in a single voice this country green again 137 ...
