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18 History of tlze League The Contents of the Books The first Book. T HE General model of the Leag7i~,its Origine, its design, and the Success it had quite contrary to the end which was ~wopos'dby it. In what it resembled the League of Calvinism. The condition in whi,rh France 1va5 at the return of Henry the third from Poland. The ill Counsel1 nhich he follow 'd at the beginning of his Reign, in lenuing the M"r. The Commendation and Character of that Prince. I-he surprising change which was found in his Carriage, and in his Manners. The conjunction of the Politicks, or AZalecontent~rtriih the 10 Huguenots. Their po~verfullArmv C'ornmanded b) thc Duke of Alumon. The Peace which was ~ilacitx11y the il>te~posiiion of the Queen Mother, which prodnc'ct the Edict o; l\J;r~ Ler) favourable to the Huguenots. This I dict is the octasiorl of the Birth of the League. The League was fnrst dev-s'rl by the Cardinal of Lorrain at the Council of T ~ c n t . He lertles the design behind him to his Nephew the Duke of Guise. T h e Conference and secret Treaty betwixt that Duke, and DOTI John of Austria. By what means Philip the Second discover'd it, and made use of it to engage the Duke to take up Arrns. The 20 Commendation of the Duke of Guise, and his Charac tei. Halt that Duke made use of the Lord of Nzlrnierc.~to begin the League. The Project of Hurnieres, his Articles and his 15-ogress. T h e Lorcl Lewzs de la Trimouzlle, declales hir~lseifHead of it in Poitozi. The first Estates oi Blois, wherein the Killg, to weaken that party, declares himself Head of it, by advice of the Sieur de Morvillie~. The Commendation and Character of tf~at G ~ e a t man. JYhat hind of nlan the Advocate David was. His extravagant memoires. The Justification of Pope Gregory thc 13th. against the slander of the Huguenots, who tvou'd make ao hinl the Authour of it. The Fdict of Muy revok'd in the Estates The UTaragainst the Hzrgu~nnts,suddenly follow'd by a Peace, Contents of th,e Books I 9 and by the Edict of Poztiers, in their favour, which enrages the Leaguers. The Restauration of the Order of the Holy Ghost, by Henry the third, to make himself a new hlilitia against the League. The Duke of Alanson in Flanders, where he is declar'd Duke of Brabant. This occasions Philip the second to Press the Duke of Guise to declare himself. He does it a little after the Death of the Duke of Alanson. The Conference of the Duke of Espernon with the King of Navarre, furnishes him with an occasion. He l o makes use of the old Cardinal of Bourbon, and sets him up for a Stale. The geat weakness of that Cardinal. The History of the beginning, the Progress, the Arts and the Designs of the League of the Sixteen of Paris. The Treaty of the Duke of Guise with the Deputies of the King of Spain. He begins the War by surprising man); Towns. The general hatred to the Favouri~es, arid especially to the Duke of Espernon, causes many great Lords to enter into his Party. That first FVar of the League hinders the Re-union of the Low Countries to the Crown, and also the Ruin of the Huguenots. i\larseilles and 20 Boz~rdeauxsecur'd from the Attempts of the League. The generous Declaration of the King of Nauarre against the Leaguers, and the too mild Declaration of the King. The Conference and Treaty of Nenzours, and the Edict of July, in favour of the Leaguers against the Huguenots. The Union of the King of Navarre, and the Prince of Conde' with the Marshal of Damville . The death of Gregory the 13th. and Creation of Sixtus Quintus. The thundring Bull of that Pope against the King of Nauarre and the Prince of Condt!. Discourses and Writings against that Bull. Protestation of the King of ~Vavarre, posted ao up at Rome. The War in Poitou, with the small success of the Duke of Mayenne. The Marshalls Matignon and Biron, break his measures under-hand. The History of the unfortunate expedition of the Prince of Condt! at Angiers. The Dissolution of his Army. The Ordinances of the King against the Huguenots. The form...
