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Unprofessional Practices

Ruin Harvest

Food Infill

Municipal Therapy

Furtive Inhabitation

The city of unreal estate is, in part, a city of ruins. These ruins are usually regarded as distressing eyesores or entrancing spectacles; they can also be posed, however, simply as material, able to accommodate new uses. These accommodations are various; the ruin can fabricate something that will amaze, delight or disturb; something that contributes to or detracts from the common good; something that provides respite from other ruins or renders the city's ruination even more intense.

Some ruin harvests are clandestine, their results appearing suddenly and mysteriously: abandoned houses inexplicably painted, one after another, under cover of night. And other ruin harvests are public entertainments: a group of people coming together to watch films projected on the whitewashed walls of an empty house. Abandoned by inhabitants, the ruin is nonetheless occupied by distinct, if enigmatic architectural potentials. Why abandon a building that itself has been abandoned? Why not seize upon just such a building to do something that cannot be done elsewhere and otherwise?

Next Chapter

Ruin Harvest
