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World values survey 1990-1993 Weighted marginals All these marginals are weighted (see technical note for details), except for 'V2 Country' which is shown both unweighted and weighted, to show the actual number of respondents in each country. For total percentages see *at the end of this section. V2 Country (UNWEIGHTED) Value label India Nigeria China Romania Turkey Poland Bulgaria Chile Czechoslovakia South Africa Lithuania Hungary Argentina Brazil Mexico Belarus Russia Moscow Latvia Estonia Portugal South Korea Ireland North Ireland Slovenia Spain East Germany Britain Italy Frequency 2,500 1,001 1,000 1,103 1,030 938 1,034 1,500 1,396 2,736 1,000 999 1,002 1,782 1,531 1,015 1,961 1,012 903 1,008 1,185 1,251 1,000 304 1,035 4,147 1,336 1,484 2,018 % 4.2 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.7 2.5 2.4 4.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 3.0 2.6 1.7 3.3 1.7 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.1 1.7 .5 1.7 7.0 2.3 2.5 3.4 Netherlands Belgium Austria France Canada United States Iceland West Germany Denmark Finland Norway Sweden Japan Switzerland Total Valid cases Missing cases 1,017 2,792 1,460 1,002 1,730 1,839 702 2,101 1,030 588 1,239 1,047 1,011 1,400 59,169 59,169 o V2 Country (WEIGHTED) Value label Frequency France 1,002 Britain 999 West Germany 1,002 Italy 1,002 Netherlands 996 Denmark 1,000 Belgium 1,000 Spain 1,013 Ireland 1,000 North Ireland 996 United States Canada Japan Mexico South Africa Hungary Norway Sweden Iceland Argentina Finland South Korea Poland Switzerland Brazil Nigeria Chile Belarus India Czechoslovakia 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.7 4.7 2.5 1.7 2.9 3.1 1.2 3.6 1.7 1.0 2.1 1.8 1.7 2.4 100 % 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 25 26 Human Values and Beliefs East Germany 1,000 2.3 Not very 7,629 18 Slovenia 1,000 2.3 Not at all 1,266 3 Bulgaria 1,000 2.3 Total 43,012 100 Romania 1,000 2.3 Valid cases 42,293 China 1,000 2.3 Missing cases 719 Portugal 998 2.3 Austria 1,000 2.3 V8 Politics important Turkey 1,000 2.3 Value label Frequency % Moscow 1,000 2.3 Very 4,947 12 Lithuania 1,000 2.3 Quite 11,595 28 Latvia 1,000 2.3 Not very 15,860 38 Estonia 1,000 2.3 Not at all 9,639 23 Russia 1,000 2.3 Total 43,012 100 Total 43,012 100 Valid cases 42,041 Valid cases 43,012 Missing cases 971 V4 Work important V9 Religion important Value label Frequency % Value label Frequency % Very 25,308 60 Very 11,145 27 Quite 13,422 32 Quite 10,571 25 Not very 2,665 6 Not very 11,287 27 Not at all 1,002 2 Not at all 8,563 21 Total 43,012 100 Total 43,012 100 Valid cases 42,397 Valid cases 41,566 Missing cases 615 Missing cases 1,446 V5 Family important VIO Discuss politics Value label Frequency % Value label Frequency % Very 35,615 83 Often 9,198 22 Quite 6,026 14 At times 22,728 53 Not very 789 2 Never 10,722 25 Not at all 251 I Total 43,012 100 Total 43,012 100 Valid cases 42,648 Valid cases 42,681 Missing cases 364 Missing cases 331 Vll Persuade friends V6 Friends important Value label Frequency % Value label Frequency % Often 7,196 18 Very 17,024 40 At times 15,998 41 Quite 18,936 44 Rarely 10,030 26 Not very 6,088 14 Never...
