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INDEX Activist lawyers, 5, 139-41, 162, 17Cl-99, 212; professionalism of, 165-66, 169, 171-72; pressures of the bar against, 167-68, 172; shortage of, 178,211; pragmatism of, 181-82; financing of, 194-99 Adversary method, 123, 171-72 Agnew, Spiro, 191-92 Ambiguity of legal rules. See "Open texture" of the law American Civil Liberties Union, 173-76, 19C1-91, 195 Aron, Raymond, 47 Attorney-client relationship, 135-36, 163-65, 179 Barnet, Richard, 163 Bellow, Gary, 182 Bickel, Alexander, 28, 33 Bill of Rights, 15, 19, 26, 59; and school desegregation, 101 Black, Charles, 101 Blacks. See Minorities Bok, Derek, 188 Brown decision, 100-01, 109, 137; reaction to, 143, 145, 194 Bureaucracies, 50, 106, 124-26, 130, 139, 182, 184, 195 Bums, Haywood, 126 Busing, school, 103-04 California Rural Legal Assistance Program, 182, 184, 193-94 Case method, 33, 154, 156 Children: legal values of, 63-69; attitudes toward police, 72 Civil disobedience, 5I Civil rights, 4, 95, 120, 123-24, 12829 , 141-46, 168,211 Cloward, Richard, 140 Code of Professional Responsibility, 162-68 College students: standards applied to, 55, 57; legal values of, 64 Compliance with judicial decisions, 119-20, 123-30, 146, 148 Constitution, U.S., 35, 60, 98-100, I 13; as foundation of political order, 15-20, 23, 24-28, 37; flexibility of, 31; updating of, 94; and poverty policy, 105 Culture, legal, 62 Desegregation. See School desegregation Dolbeare, Kenneth, I 19, 128 Donovan, John C., 105 Douglas, Paul, 120 Due process, 99, 106, 115, 126-27 Edelman, Murray, 133, 135, 205-07, 218 Education: legal, 29, 151-69, 18788 ; public, 206 Environmental problems, 99, I 1215 , 121-22, 127, 144 Equality before the law, 19, 54-59, 66,99,108 Evens, Lester, 192 First Amendment, 30 Fortas, Abe, 46 Foundations, 196-97 Fuller, Lon, 46, 53, II I Geertz, Clifford, 14, 17 Goldberg, Arthur, 60 Graham, Fred, 191 221 222 Group representation, 184 Hammond, Phillip, I 19, 128 Hartz, Louis, 56 Hobbes, Thomas, 24 Hurst, James Willard, 27 Ideology: myth of rights as, 13-1", 38, 83, 90, 203; political, 16-17; embodied, 23-24; of opportunity, 134; influence of on behavior, 151; of radical lawyers, 179 Impeachment, 52 Individualism, American belief in, 18,59, 136 Integration, racial, 102--{)4. See also School desegregation Interest group liberalism. See Pluralism Judges, 5, 7, 23, 28-33, 50, III, 119, 121-22; selection of, 20, 87-88; respect for, 35-36; concern with rules of, 54; distrust of, 75-76; personal values of, 89; behavior of, 89-90; rule-bending by, 93; legal values of, 93-94; independence of, 97; resistance to change of, 107--{)9 Justice: as symbol, 53-54 Kinoy, Arthur, ISo Kunstler, William, 186 Kurland, Philip, 51-52 Landlord-tenant laws, 106-07 Law reform, 183-8", 192,216-17 Laylin, John G., 169 Leading case strategy, 141, 173-76, 183 Legal analysis, 29-33; as taught in law schools, 34, 152-58 Legal approach, 5, 13-1", 45-46; advantages of, 4-41, 159; realism of, 47-49; convenience of, 49-53; distinctiveness of, 59-61. See also Legal analysis INDEX Legal competence, 135-36, 140, 184, 192, 21", 216, 219 Legal paradigm. See Legal approach ; Legalism Legal Services Program, 183-84, 191-93, 197 Legalism: as a world view, 53, 153, 159-62; covert character of, 161 Legitimacy, 3, 45, 90; of legal approach , 41, 51; symbols of, 58, 136, 168; political, 16, 90-92, 134; of legal decisions, 132; of civil rights movement, 143 Lenzner, Terry, 183 Levi, Edward H., 32 Lewis, Anthony, 164 Limited government, American beliefin ,18-20,27-28,98-99 Litigation, 4, 130, 135, 141, 148; as political tool, 5, 84-85, 106-07, 117-18, 121, 124, 130, 205, 214; redistributive role of, 6, 8; utility of, 6, 9, 14, 138-39, 151, 183; and political change, 95-96, 188; and school desegregation, 101; and poverty policy, 105; and environmental law, 114-15; and particularization , 119; and compliance, 119-20; as a delaying tactic, 127; combined with other tactics, 142; and participatory politics, 145 Lowi, Theodore, 25 Market: economic, 18-19; for legal services, 166-67 Mill, John Stuart, 132 Minorities: standards applied to, 55; and equality before the law, 5657 ; beliefs of, 62; attitudes toward policy, 73-78; oppression of, 133, 137-38. See also Civil rights; School desegregation Mitchell, John, 153 Mitford, Jessica, 176 Moore, Barrington, 218-19 Moore, Phil, 197 Morality in law, 53-59...
