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317 Index Adam, Walter, 71 Adenauer, Konrad, 201, 288 Adler, Liebmann (rabbi), 122 Africa/Africans, 2, 3, 40, 47, 49–50, 52, 53, 54–55, 250–53. See also German Southwest Africa (GSWA) Afro-Germans, 16, 46, 52–55 AHSGR. See American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Alexander I (tsar), 187 Aliens Law, 32 Alldeutscher Verband (ADV or Pan-German League), 25–28, 254 Allgemeines Landrecht (ALR), 19 All-German Party (Gesamtdeutsche Partei or GDP), 290 Alsace-Lorraine, 2 Aly, Götz, 271–74, 280 America Herold Zeitung (newspaper), 206 American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR), 208–10 Anarak Peixoto, Ernani do, 174–75 Anderson, Benedict, 8 Arangha, Oswaldo, 174 Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ostumsiedler (Working Group of East Resettlers), 201 Argentina, 87, 105, 171, 196, 200 Aryan Germans, 236 Aschheim, Steven, 131 Asia/Asians, 2, 31, 53 Asociación de Ayuda Social de la Colonia Alemana (Social Assistance Association of the German Colony), 104 Assimilation, 3–4 in Mexico, 102–5 Association for Germans Abroad. See Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland (VDA) Association of Volga Germans. See Verein der Wolgadeutschen Auslandsdeutsche, 7, 62, 66, 185, 249, 253, 256, 258, 262 Auslandsorganization der NSDAP (Foreign Organization of the NSDAP), 62–64, 99, 100, 197 Deutsches Wollen (journal), 64 intentions of, 63–64 Aussiedler, 3–4, 7, 31, 33–34, 62, 287, 293–95, 309 Austria, 2, 226, 237 Austrofascist movement, 71 Deutscher Schulverein (German School Association), 227, 229–31 and Volksgemeinschaft, 70–72 Austrian Social Democratic Party, 228–29 Austro-German nationalists, 224–29 Autonomous Republic of Volga Germans, 189, 195 Avanhandava Scout Troop, 178 Avila Camacho, Manuel, 100, 101 Avni, Haim, 171 Bade, Klaus, 12 Baiersdorf, Jacob, 115 Balkans, 7, 256 Baltic Germans, 260 Barkai, Avraham, 112, 130 Basic Law, 201, 292 Article 116, 30–31 Basters, 44–45 Bavaria, 112, 113, 230, 289 Bayerischer Staatsanzeiger (newspaper), 73–74 Belgium, 153 Bell, Richard Manga, 52–53 Beneš Decrees, 303–4 Bergen, Doris, 4, 11, 65, 186 Bergh, Henry, 146 Bethmann-Hollweg (German chancellor), 29 Bildung, 8, 10, 12, 41, 124, 128 Binford, Mira Reym, 274 Bismarck, Otto von, 22–25, 70, 92, 148, 161 Bismarckian Germany, citizenship/emigration in, 22–25 Blood and Soil (Blut und Boden), 143, 155–56, 162 B’nai B’rith, 117–19, 129, 132 Bohemia, 113, 219, 227, 230, 234, 240 Bohemian German nationalists, 226 Bohle, Ernst Wilhelm, 62 Böker family, and Hispanization of names, 90 Boxer, Oswald, 170 Brazil, 65, 87, 101, 105, 196, 200 Brazilian-Jewish Cultural and Bene‹cent Society (SIBRA), 177–78 communal religious organizations, 178 envisioning, by Central European Jewry, 169–76 German Jews in, 167–83 and anti-Semitism, 176–77 Germanness of, 177–78 integration of, 168–69 and professional degrees, 172 immigration policies, 177 Jewish Congregation of São Paulo, 172, 178 Jewish immigration to, 167–68 Rezende colony, 173–76 Brazilian-Jewish Cultural and Bene‹cent Society (SIBRA), 177–78 Brazilian Volksgemeinschaft, 66–68 Brechtel, Rudolf, 103 Brendel, John, 205 Brentano, Lorenzo, 120 Bridenthal, Renate, 4, 11, 186 Brinkmann, Tobias, 83–84, 89 Brothers and Strangers (Aschheim), 131 Brubaker, Rogers, 6–7, 8, 22 Brüder in Not, 195, 206 Buchenau, Jürgen, 4, 84 Buckley, James L., 210 Bukovina, 185, 219, 227, 230, 235–38 Bukovina Germans, 260 Bulgaria, 196 Bund der Deutschen in Böhmen (Union of Germans in Bohemia), 226 Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten (BHE or Union of Expellees and Disenfranchised), 290 Bund der Vertriebenen (BdV or Union of Expellees—United Regional-Cultural Associations), 291–92, 301 Bund vertriebener Deutscher (BvD or Union of Expelled Germans), 289 Burleigh, Michael, 254 Canada, 87, 171, 200, 202 Cannstatter Volksfest, 161 Cárdenas, Lázaro, 97, 100 Carinthia, 232 Caro, Herbert, 177 Carranza, Venustiano, 97–98 Casino Alemán (Deutsches Haus), 91 Catherine the Great (tsarina), 187 Catholic Church, 6, 93, 169, 190, 225 Central and Eastern Europe, 7, 9, 31, 111, 133, 156, 220–21, 248–49, 253–61, 267–81, 293–95 restructuring of Germany’s policy toward ethnic Germans in, 296–97 Central Committee of Germans from Russia, 194 Central League of Expelled Germans (Zentralverband der vertriebenen Deutschen), 289 Charter of German Expellees (1950), 289, 291 Chicago Eifelverein, 148–49 Chicago German (newspaper), 160 Chile, 87 China, 40 Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU or Christian Democratic Union), 32–33, 304 Christlich Soziale Union (CSU or Christian Social Union), 304 Chronik, Isaak (rabbi), 115–16 CIP. See Congregação Israelita Paulista Citizenship laws, 15, 17–39 continuities/new...
