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Bibliographical Essay Primary research for this book centers on the archival collections of the Civil Cabinets of the German states, the “secret” of‹ces that connected members of the court to state ministries in their interactions over the economy , civil society, and politics. It draws primarily on rich archival holdings in the states of Baden and Prussia. In Baden, the Genderallandesarchiv , Karlsruhe (GK) houses the collections Abt. 69 (Geheimes Kabinett der Grossherzogin Luise), Abt. 233 (Staatsministerium), and Rep. 456 (the Fourteenth Army Corps) and its Sanitary Bureau, F 113 (Sanitätsamt), 1871–1920. In light of the destruction of so many archival holdings on the German military in World War II, materials on the Baden Fourteenth Army Corps offer unique insights into the army-civilian relationship in war preparation and public hygiene. For Prussia, I worked in the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz (GSPK), Königliches Geheimes Civil-Cabinet, I, HA, Rep. 89, nos. 15607–8, Preussischer Frauen-und Jungfrauen-Verein, 1818–1916 (Wohltätigkeits-Sachen, Generalia). Its archival location under the rubric “charity” maintained the useful ‹ction of the separation of philanthropy and politics. I also looked at nos. 15609–13, Vaterländischer FrauenVerein und seine Zweig-Vereine, 1867–1919. This collection contains the extraordinarily detailed and personal letters from the local branch association in Lähn, Silesia, as well as other testimonies of the intimate connections between court and association at times of dynastic celebrations; it documents efforts to honor servitors with medals and awards. I also worked in the Landeshauptarchiv, Koblenz (LK) for the interconfessional Rhineland. It houses the archives of the St. Barbara Association, 1791–1922 (Best. 661, 23) as well as the regional women’s association, 403 (Kommunalsachen, Vereine), Oberpräsidium der Rheinprovinz, nos. 7363–66, Frauenvereine im Oberpräsidialbezirk, 1835–1912. The secret cabinet of Duchess Luise facilitated her multiple roles as state Landesmutter over her long reign (1856–1907) and life (d. 1923). It 305 contains a wide range of documents, many previously untapped, re›ecting the powerful interactions between court and civil society as well as the place of the royal ‹gure in the evolution of municipal life (at times of natural disasters and at ceremonial moments consecrating hospitals and establishing nursing stations) as well as in the institutions and associations under her patronage. It holds the extensive correspondence from individuals from many walks of life as well as members of associations with the dynastic court. Typical here are no. 169, Glückwünsche verschiedener Frauenvereine zu verschiedenen Gedenktagen der fürstlichen Familie, 1882; no. 953, Dankschreiben von Frauenvereine für Gaben aus der Geburtstagsspende, 1922; and no. 175, Teilnamebezeugnungen zum 100j ährigen Todestag der Königin Luise von Preussen, 1910. The Baden collection has extensive materials on the Frauen-Verein and its various sections. Because of my interest in the connections between nationalism and war, I concentrated primarily on Section III, Red Cross Nursing reports (Berichte der Abt. III des Frauenvereins und Antworteten, Baden [III] Rotes Kreuz-Krankenp›ege, nos. 887–94, 1890–1922) and the documents on the state Red Cross, nos. 1117–18, Mitteilungen , 1906–1916. For a broad overview I also looked at Abt. 233, no. 2848, Armensachen (Der badische Frauenverein), which covers the period 1866–1919. I followed the work of these organizations into the First World War in more detail through no. 619, Die Mobilmachung, 1914, and nos. 620–49, Den Feldzug, 1914–17. I also consulted the holdings of speci‹c nursing groups and activities, among them nos. 1133–34, Der Helferinnenbund beim Roten Kreuz, 1908–18; no. 1120, Die OberinnenKonferenz , 1889, 1891; and no. 1131, Landkrankenp›ege, 1888, 1909–10. I consulted materials for local associations around the state, including nos. 942–44, Versammlungen der Frauenvereine des Seekreises auf Schloss Mainau, 1897–1913 and no. 932, Der Frauenvereine in Baden-Baden, 1888–92. No. 940, Der Frauenverein St. Barbara in Koblenz, 1910, contains additional materials on the connection between Koblenz and Karlsruhe . I also followed the duchess of Baden on her many tours to Säckingen , Buchen, and Sinsheim, 1892 (no. 586), Koblenz, 1897 (no. 225), Lörrach, 1900 (no. 571), Düsseldorf and Koblenz, 1904 (no. 227), Mannheim, 1856–1907 (nos. 572–73, 575b), Bühlertal, 1903 (no. 1147), Kork, 1904 (no. 1161), Sandhofen, 1904 (no. 1166) among others. I looked at the evolution of charitable life in Baden localities through nos. 1177–78, Verzeichnis der Pfründner-Kranken-Waisen-und Rettungshäuser und anderer Wohltätigkeitsanstalten in Baden, 1890, 1898, no. 1179, Zusammenstellung...
