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28 A l l t h e Si g n s R e a d 어서 오세요 But you and I walk away from the lights, down concrete steps that disappear into the yield of sand beneath our feet—the entire ocean falling from the shore—to lay out a blanket on the beach for a midnight picnic of grilled squid and whiskey. Through charcoal smoke, you sing a song you’ve been rehearsing with the mothers’ choir, then say something about the sulfur in a match-head affecting the taste of your cigarette, and lastly, like some conspirator sharing secrets in the dark, you tell me the three things you no longer believe: one, the government is bullshit; two, true love is a myth; and three, God doesn’t exist. So, when we carry the things back to the love motel, and you enter the bathroom to shower the sand and sea from your skin, I follow you in. Your only condition is that we turn off the lights. ...
