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Index Aangenaam valley (South Africa), 247 Aarne, Antti, The Types of the Folktale, 293111 Abel's Cave, Cockscomb Mountain (South Africa), 2851121 Abrams, Kathryn, "Hearing the Call of Stories," 2881131 abstraction, 97, 98, 99, 130,2871127,30671122 , 310118; abstract gestures, 99 Adams, Monni, "Beyond Symmetry ... ," 95-96, 3041119; "Kuba Embroidered Cloth," 3041119 Adams, George P, Mall al1d Metaphysics, 309116 Adler, Mortimer J., Dialectic, 127,308115 Adler, Richard, and Jerry Ross, Daml1 Yal1kees , 260,323-241129 Aesop, 3 aesthetic experience, 96, 97, 310117, 3121121; aesthetic principles, 90; aesthetic tension, 99, 100; aesthetic value, 49; aesthetics, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 185, 186,3001110,306-71122 Africa, 246, 276, 313-14113; art, 3041119; languages, 314115; literature, 276; music , 3051121, 3041119, 3051121; oral tradition , 276; rock art in, 285117 Afrikaans, 224, 243, 247, 251, 261 age of creation, 213 la!kunta, 192, 193 alchemy, 3241131 Aldrich, Virgil c., "Pictorial Meaning and Picture Thinking," 309117; "Pictorial Meaning, Picture-thinking ... ," 309-10117; "Visual Metaphor," 311111113, 14 Alexander, Lloyd, "The Flat-Heeled Muse," 2951114 allegory, 26, 294119 Alter, Robert, The Art of Biblical Narrative, 2891133 ambiguity, 13, 141, 197, 214, 270, 271, 3191125, 3201126 America, 292115 American, 260 Ammaniti, Massimo, and Daniel N. Stern, Psychoal1alysis al1d Developmel1t, 2881132 analogy, 309116 ancestors, 226-27, 275 animals, gods, humans, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23,50,185,197,214,269,270,271, 284118, 3191125; animals and humans, 287111127, 28 anthropomorphic meaning, 308114 anticipation, 96, 97, 128, 276, 304n19, 3051121 antisocial acts, 141 antithesis, 308115 apartheid, 2, 227, 283112, 292115, 313113, 321112 Aphrodite, 2951114 Aquinas, Thomas, 260 Arbousset, T., and F. Daumas, Narrative ofall Exploratory Tour . .. , 3181125 archetype, 29, 262; archetypal model, 262 Aristotle, Theory of Poetry and Fil1e Art, 2891133 art, 21, 3041119; and nature, 128; and reality , 126; bond, 100; conventions, 128; framework, 270; interaction, 269; system , 143; tradition, 126; world of, 29 audience, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17,22, 23,24,25,27,28,44,46,48,49,50,51, 67,89,90,94,95,96,97,98,99, 100, 122,126,127,128,130, 131, 141, 142, 143,144,149, 178, 179, 180, 181, 185, 186,199,216,217,220,225,226,242, 264,265,266,269,270,275,276,277, 283n3, 286-2871127, 291114, 294119, 296n2, 297113, 301n2, 304-51120, 305n21, 306-71122, 312-131121; and performer , 49 Auerbach, Erich, Mimesis, 2891133 autobiography, 226, 246, 264, 266, 267 Bal, Mieke, On Storytelling, 2891133 Bamana,95 Banfield, Ann, Unspeakable Sentences, 289n33 337 Copyrighted Material 338 Index Bantu-speakers, 319n25 Barfield, Owen, Poetic Diction, 289n33 Barkly, Henry, 193 Baron, Jane, "Resistance to Stories," 288n31 Barthes, Roland, Image-Music-Text, 47, 2901141, 291n3, 298-99118; "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives ," 16, 290n41 Baumann, Chr., "Nama-Texte," 318n25 Beaufort (South Africa), 192 Bellow, Gary, and Martha Minow, eds., Law Stories, 288n31 Benham, Marion S., Henry Callaway, 283n1 Benjamin, Walter, "The Storyteller," 19 Bennett, Arnold, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 322n11, 32311n15, 16,3231118; Journals, 3231116 Berkhofer, Robert F, Jr., Beyol1d the Great Story, 2881130 Berlin, 314n5 Berlioz, Hector, The Daml1atiol1 of Faust, 260,323n27 Berns, Marla c., and Barbara Rubin Hudson , The Essential Gourd, 96, 304n20 Berthoff, Warner, "Fiction, History, Myth ... ," 2881130 Bettelheim, Bruno, The Uses of Ellclwlltment , 294-951111 Bible, 243 Biersak, Aletta, "Local Knowledge, Local History ... ," 297114 biography, 4, 144, 185, 186, 194, 242, 246, 264,265,266,269,276,277 Bisele, Megan, "Aspects of IKung Folklore ," 3181125; "The Black-Backed Jackal ... ," 3181125; "Religion and Folklore," 318-3191125 Bisele, Marguerite Anne, "Folklore and Ritual ... ," 3181125 Bishop, John L., ed., Studies ill Chillese Literature, 302119 Black, Max, Models al1d Metaphors, 127, 309n6, 311n12 Blauwputs (South Africa), 188 Bleek, Dorothea Francis, 314115; A Bushmall Dictionary, 314115; "Bushman Folklore ," 194,3161117, 318n25; The Mantis al1d His Friends,281, 316-171/22,3201125; The Narol1, 284n8, 318n25, 324112; on Mantis, 317n22 Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel, 192, 193, 194,266, 314n5, 3201/26; A Brief Account of Bushmal1 Folk-lore, 314n12, 3181125, 3201/25; "The Bushman Language ," 3141/7; "Bushman Researches ," 313n1, 319-201125; Comparative Grammar . .. ,314n5; Reineke Fuchs ill Afrika 318n25; Report of Dr. Bleek ... , 3141/8, 314nlO, 3141/11; Reynard the Fox iI/ South Africa, 317-18n25; in J. M. Orpen, "Glimpse into the Mythology ... ," 3201/25 Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel, and Lucy C. Lloyd, "Ilkabbo's capture ... ," 314114; "Ilkabbo's Intended Return Home," 316111118, 19,20; The Mal/tis al1d His Friends, 281, 313n1, 3181125, 3201125; Specimens of Bushman Folklore 281, 313112,314114, 315nl113,14, 316I1n18-21, 316-317n22, 3171123, 3181125, 3201126 Bloomfield...
