In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Tables 3.1 Urban Population Growth 81 3.2 Per Capita Income Changes, 1957-1970 82 3.3 Government-Approved Investment Projects, by Region, 1969-1972 83 3.4 Power Consumption by Region, 1972 83 3.5 Demand Bank Deposits by Region, 1971-1974 84 3.6 Zairian Wage Employment, 1915-1970 85 3.7 Sectoral Employment, 1958-1970 86 3.8 Public Sector Employment of Zairians, 1960-1978 86 3.9 Sex Ratios ofAdult Zairians in Kananga, 1955-1972 89 3.10 Index of Government-Fixed Agricultural Prices, 1960-1974 94 3.11 Consumer Goods Prices, Kikwit (Bandundu), 1968-1976 95 3.12 Income per Month by Sex, Rural Bandundu Sample, 1973-1975 97 4.1 Stratification and Class in Zaire 103 4.2 Length of Service as Minister and/or Political Bureau Member, 1965-1975 118 4.3 Changes in Remuneration Level within the Sub-Bourgeoisie, 1960-1965 124 4.4 Indices ofWages, Prices, and Real Wages, Kinshasa, at Official Minimum Wage (UNTZA data) 132 4.5 Indices ofNominal and Real Wages and Salaries, 1974-1977 (IBRD data) 133 5.1 Regional Origins of Second Republic Political Elite, 1965-1975 151 5.2 Comparison ofSecondary School Populations, 1962 and 1978 156 6.1 The CELZA Plantation Empire 180 6.2 CELZA Share ofTotal Zairian Production, Agricultural Commodities, 1976 180 Xl XlI Tables 6.3 Cattle Holdings in Zaire, 1975 Estimates 181 7.1 Occupational Distribution ofLegislative Candidates, Mongala Subregion, 1970 203 8.1 Position, Rank, and Salary ofRegional Administrators, Lisala, 1974 229 8.2 Rural Collectivities by Type and by Region, 1972 235 10.1 Government Budgets, 1964-1966 278 10.2 Inflation Rate, 1960-1967 279 10.3 Primary Commodity Production, 1959-1980 282 lOA Ownership ofUMHK, End of 1965 289 10.5 Leverage in the Zaire-UMHK Conflict 292 10.6 Taxation and Profits ofGecamines 294 10.7 Mricanization ofGecamines Management, 1967-1980 296 10.8 Zairian Terms ofTrade, 1967-1975 309 10.9 Returns to Peasant Farm Labor, Northern Zaire, 1973-1974 313 10.10 Comparative State Cotton Prices, 1970 317 10.11 Returns to Peasants on Main Cash Crops, Gandajika, 1974 318 10.12 Cotton Prices 319 10.13 Public Finance, 1970-1977 323 10.14 State Consumption Levels 324 10.15 Inflation, 1970-1978 324 11.1 Effects of Zairianization in Lubumbashi 341 11.2 Effects of Zairianization in Bumba 342 11.3 Radicalization: The Ten Scourges and Their Remedies 352 12.1 Zaire's External Public Debt, 1972-1977 386 12.2 Debt Service Obligations, 1978-1983 387 ...
