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tune. 3 whimpering, whining. 4 (noisy) fun, gaiety. 0h\'tar-en complaining person, whiner. I...·te V +-er/*lrel, +ldl/*Iel, +-I/*-e/*-i [ ring, sound (esp. of an instrument, song, tune): det Iat ikke i ham there was not a sound from him. 2 whimper . whine. 3 dial. play (a tune). M mt [em'] -en (letter) M, m. ml=meter M =meget tilfredsstillende°ma Au: da ma you know. *m. a.=mdlom anna machiavellisme [makiavellis'me] -n Machiavellianism. *ma'r,l. -el young fish (esp. herring). +madagas'ser -en, pl +-e (=*-ar) Madagascan, Malagasy. madagas'sisk A Madagascan, Malagasy. madam' +-men/*-ma lobs. Madame, Mrs. (title for middie-class married woman): m-men fam. the missus, the wife; (heavy) matronly woman. 2 pop. midwife. mada'me +-n/*-a madame. mad'dik'-en zool. maggot; fig. worm, wretch. madeira [madei'ra/made'ra] -en madeira (wine). madjar [madsja'r] -en Magyar. madjar(i)sk A - Magyar. Mad'la Pin twp, Rogaland. madon'na -en (*ei), pi "-er (the) Madonna (also picture of the M-). +madon'na/aktil1 A - madonna-like. madrass' -en mattress. Mad's Prn (m) maf'(f)ia -en Mafia. mag. =magister magasi'n -el, pI -/+-er I (ammunition, camera, gun) magazine; storehouse, warehouse. 2 department store. 3 magazine (periodical). magasine're V -Ie store (in attic, warehouse, etc.). magasi'n/komfy'r -en electric stove with thick, insulated lid over one of the heating units for holding in the heat. magasi'n/omn -en (=+/ovn) base burner. ma'ge1 -n I bowels, stomach: ha vondt i m-n have a stomachache; ha treg m- have sluggish bowel movement. z ahdomen, belly: g'" med en 5tatsrad i m-n aspire to, have an eye on a cabinet po~ition; ha (stor) m- have a (big) pannch; ligge p'" m-n for en grovel for sby, lick sby's boots. 3 bulge, protrusion (on bottle, coffee pot, etc.). ma'ge3 V -a/+-et I eviscerate, gut (e.g. fish). z: m- seg act important, puff up. "3: m- seg eat one's fill, fill up. ma'ge/belte -I, pI +-r/*- I abdominal belt. z cigar band. ma'ge/knip -el gripes, stomachache. ma'ge/mM -el: passe m- (at meals) eat moderately. ma'ger A wert, pI -re I lean (animal, meat, person, year, etc.); pop. skinny, thin: et mot kinn a hollow cheek. 2 meager; poor (pasturage, soil. etc.); scanty (fare, income, resources, etc.). 3 Iypog. lightfaced. ma'ge/saft -a gastric juice. ma'ge/sekk -en stomach. rna'ge/sjau -en fame diarrhea. ma'ge/sjuke -n fam. diarrhea. ma'ge/syre -a stomach acid. r;na'ge/sar -et gastric ulcer. 256 4: 1- vel express pleasure, satisfaction . -I...·ten A +-enl, pi one -sounding, e.g. sm.../I-, stor/I-. I"'tt' -en laugh, laughter. "Iat'teleg A - laughable. "I"'t'te/I"ye -I sth laughable. "Iatt·/milr,l. A given to laughter, mirth- *mag'gc' -a (of a woman) fat old cow, sow. *mag'ge' V -a: m- segenjoy oneself, stuff oneself (with food). magi' -en (occult) magic. +ma'giker -en, pl-e (='-ar) magician. ma'gisk A - magic, magical. magis'ter -eren, pi -rer/+-ere I aca· demic title: m- artium M.A.; m scientiarum M.S. (cf m-/grad). z: m- bibendi toastmaster. 3: sverge til m-ens ord rely blindly on authority . magis'ter/grad -en university degree granted on passing examinations in one major and two minor subjects and completion of thesis (approximates Ph.D. in U.S.). magistra't -en (until 1922) municipal corporation administrating local government and serving as local representative for federal government . magna't [also: mangna't] -en (industrial , railroad) magnate. *magne [mang'ne] V -a: m- seg eat one's fill; gather up courage. Magne [mang'ne] Prn(m) magnesia [mangne'sia] -en chern. magnesia. magnesium [mangne'sium] -en/-et chern. magnesium. magnet [mangne't] -en I magnet (also fig.). z pop. magneto (in gasoline engine). magnet/feit -el magnetic field. magnetisere [mangnetise're] V -Ie ma~nptize. magnetisk [mangne'tisk) A - I magnetic (also fig.). z hypnotizing, mesmerizing. magnetisme [mangnetis'me] -n (esp. lech.) magnetism; dyrisk m- animal m-. magnet/jernstein rmangne't/] -en magnetite. magnet/nM -a magnetic needle. magnetofon [mangnetofo'n] -en tape recorder. magnet/stav [mangne'tll -en bar magnet. Magn/hilr,l. [mang'nll Prn (f) Magnor [mang'nor] Pin post office, Hedmark. Magnus [mang'nus] Prn(m) *ma'grast V -ast cf magre rna'gre V -a...
