In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

G&S Typesetters PDF proof C O N T E N T S ix: Acknowledgments xi: Introduction PART ONE 1: POLITICAL THEORY: Colonial Discourse, Feminist Theory, and Arab Feminism CHAPTER ONE 3: Why Colonial Discourse? CHAPTER TWO 15: Feminism, Nationalism, and Colonialism in the Arab World CHAPTER THREE 35: Huda Shaarawi’s Harem Years: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Feminist PART TWO 53: NARR ATIVE THEORY: Autobiography CHAPTER FOUR 55: Autobiography and Sexual Difference CHAPTER FIVE 75: Arab Autobiography: A Historical Survey PART THREE 85: ANALYSIS OF TEXTS CHAPTER SIX 87: Anthologies 00-T2696-FM 8/14/03 5:15 PM Page vii G&S Typesetters PDF proof CHAPTER SEVEN 114: Fadwa Tuqan’s Mountainous Journey, Difficult Journey CHAPTER EIGHT 131: Nawal el-Saadawi CONCLUSION 181: The Literary and the Political 185: Appendix Translation of the Introduction to the Arabic Edition of Memoirs from the Women’s Prison by Nawal el-Saadawi 189: Notes 211: Bibliography 225: Index 00-T2696-FM 8/14/03 5:15 PM Page viii ...
