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accountability politics, 190, 223, 254, 256 Adivasis (tribals), 94–95, 204 advocacy anthropology, 80–83 age, 90–91 Aguamilpa, 205 alliances, 193 Altamira rally, 175 Altamira-Xingu Complex, 198, 213 Amte, Baba, 201 Angolan refugees, 168 Anti-Dam Democratic Alliance (aDDa), 219 anti-dam movement, 242; international, 53–55 Arch Vahini, 56, 226 Arenal Hydroelectric Project, 238–240 Argentina, 36 Asian Development Bank, 21, 25, 221 Assembly of the Poor (Thailand), 55, 243 Assets Privatization Trust (apt), 158 atingido, 62–64, 99 authoritarian regimes, 13, 190, 216, 234 Bangladesh, 21, 171 Bargi Dam, 204 Barrier Islands, 156–157 Bharatiya Janata Party, 208 Belo Monte Dam, 175 Berger, Peter, 9; calculus of pain and of meaning, 17 Bio Bio River, 174, 200, 235 biodiversity, 8, 127–131, 132 Bolivia, 32 Bontok people, 218 Boston Housing Authority, 85 Brazil, 36, 61–66, 100, 118–122, 147, 156, 174–176, 185–186, 194, 196–197, 198, 201–202, 207, 212–213, 214–215, 222, 241 Brazilian Indian Foundations (FUnai), 198 Bretton Woods institutions, 5 Brundtland Report (Our Common Future), 124 Butler, Caroline, 199 caboclos, 96, 121 Camelot Project, 39 Canada, 101–103, 192–193, 198 Capitania de Alto y Bajo Izozog, 131 Caracol Dam, 209 Carajas mining project, 62 Carson, Rachel, 124 “cascades,” 216, 222 caste, 90, 95, 234 Catholic Church, 62, 121–122, 156, 177 Center for International Environmental Law, 68, 216 Cernea, Michael, 21, 145, 150, 240 Cerro de Oro Dam, 172, 188, 211 Chakma people, 21, 171 Chambers, Robert, 142 Index  Defying Displacement chaos theory, 73, 216 Chico Dams (case study), 217–220, 221 Chile, 174, 200, 235 China, 2, 36, 37, 42, 59, 135, 139, 180–183 Chinantecs, 172, 188, 197, 211 Chixoy Dam (Guatemala), 58, 152, 234 class, 1, 90, 95, 198, 234, 251–252 Clean Development Mechanism (CDm), 60 collective action frames, 53 Colombia, 222 Colson, Elizabeth, 90 Comisión Federal de Electricidad, 130, 209, 236 Comissão Pastoral da Terra (Pastoral Land Commission), 62 Comissão Regional dos Atingidos de Barragens (CraB), 62–64, 100, 121, 177, 196, 199 commodification, 12 common property use rights, 89 communal labor exchange institutions, 61–62 Compañia Minera Antamina, 87 compensation, 31, 91, 149–150, 164, 177–179, 181–182, 192, 227, 229, 240, 250, 253 complex adaptive systems, 73 complexity theory, 72–73 Consejo de Pueblos Nahuas del Alto Balsas, 210 conservation, 37, 122–127, 132 Conservation International, 128–129 Constitutive Incommensurability, 148, 177–179 contingent valuation, 144, 148, 179 Coordinación Campesina Contra Embalses (CCCe), 138–139 Cordillera Peoples Alliance, 219–220 cost-benefit analysis, 28, 142–146, 148, 150, 177–178, 225 Costa Rica, 238–240 culture: extinction of, 169; and heritage, 176; and representation, 175 cultural resources valuation, 148–150 Curitiba Declaration, 222, 242 cyberactivism, 215 dams, 35–37, 117–118; as “temples of development,” 225 democracy, 11–13 democratic regimes, 190 development: aggression, 2; alternatives to, 9, 14; cleansing, 2; costs of, 10; ethics of, 17–27; industry of, 16; models, tensions between, 7 development forced displacement and resettlement (DFDr): categories of affected people, 99–101 de Wet, Chris, 25–26 Discover Card, 59 “dislocation free zones,” 154 dissipative structures, 73 diversity, biological and cultural, 257 dot-com economy, 154 Downing, Ted, 235–236 Dubois, Mark, 54 Dwivedi, Ranjit, 77, 93–95 Earth Summit, 211 economic analyses of projects, 141–142 economic models, western, 1, 132 economic rationality, 8 economies of scale, 8, 133–134 efficiency, 15–16, 133 electronic information technology, 38, 45, 65, 196, 213–217 eletroBras, 62, 197 eletronorte, 118–121, 175 eletrosUl, 62, 100, 194 eminent domain, 17, 28, 132, 142, 154–156 Empresa Minera Tambogrande, 113 Enchente do Uruguai, A (The Flood of the Uruguai), 63 enclosure movement, 11 enDesa, 235 Entidad Binacional Yacyretá, 201 environment: destruction of, 109–111; impacts on, 8, 114; and justice, 7; and movements, 38; refugees, 112 Environmental Defense Fund, 64, 228 Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia, 115 Environmental Policy Institute, 228 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 13:54 GMT) Index  ethnic minorities, 45, 89, 204, 207 ethnicity, 1, 90, 198, 207, 219, 234 ethnocide, 172 Equator Principles, 70, 256 European Convention on Human Rights, 224 expropriation, 84 extractive industries, 111 Extractive Industries Review, 70–72, 256 Faust (Goethe), 4–5 Federal Electrical Commission, 209. See also Comisión Federal de Electricidad Fil-Estate Properties, 158–160 First International Meeting of Dam Affected Peoples, 152, 223, 243, 244 First National Congress of People Affected by Dams, 64 Food First...
