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contents List of Illustrations ix Acknowledgments xi Notes on Usage xv introDuction: Keep Close to a Kicking Horse 1 chAPter one. Desire among the Ruins: Constructing Mexico in American Travel Discourse 19 chAPter two. “The Greatest and Wisest Despot of Modern Times”: Porfirio Díaz, American Travelers, and the Politics of Logical Paternalism 65 chAPter three. American Travel Writing and the Problem of Indian Difference 103 chAPter four. “The Most Promising Element in Mexican Society”: Idealized Mestizaje and the Eradication of Indian Difference 163 chAPter five. Reversals of Fortune: Revolutionary Veracruz and Porfirian Nostalgia 179 concLusion 217 Notes 225 Bibliography 247 Index 261 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...
