In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments vii Introduction: The Persistence of Friendship in Political Life 1 John von Heyking and Richard Avramenko I. Ancient Perspectives 1. Platonic Philia and Political Order 21 James M. Rhodes 2. Taking Friendship Seriously: Aristotle on the Place(s) of Philia in Human Life 53 Stephen Salkever 3. Cicero’s Distinctive Voice on Friendship: De Amicitia and De Re Publica 84 Walter Nicgorski II. Christian Perspectives 4. The Luminous Path of Friendship: Augustine’s Account of Friendship and Political Order 115 John von Heyking Contents 000 FM-intro (i-viii, 1-18) 3/20/08 12:46 PM Page v 5. A Companionship of Caritas: Friendship in St. Thomas Aquinas 139 Jeanne Heffernan Schindler 6. Friendship in the Civic Order: A Reformation Absence 163 Thomas Heilke III. Modern Perspectives 7. Plato and Montaigne: Ancient and Modern Ideas of Friendship 197 Timothy Fuller 8. Hobbes on Getting By with Little Help from Friends 214 Travis D. Smith 9. Social Friendship in the Founding Era 248 George Carey 10. It Is Not Good for Man to Be Alone: Tocqueville on Friendship 268 Joshua Mitchell IV. Contemporary Perspectives 11. Zarathustra and His Asinine Friends: Nietzsche and Taste as the Groundless Ground of Friendship 287 Richard Avramenko 12. Friendship, Trust, and Political Order: A Critical Overview 315 Jürgen Gebhardt Contributors 349 Index 353 vi T Contents 000 FM-intro (i-viii, 1-18) 3/20/08 12:46 PM Page vi ...
