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INDEX Texts are listed both independently and under the names of their authors; but Lives, specifically,are listed also under the names of their subjects. For indi­ vidual ascetics listed alphabetically in Apophthegmata Patrum, see desert fathers. Friends, acquaintances, or correspondents of Jerome are followed by * (for example,Asella*). Modern authors are cited only where there is discussion or dispute. Abraham,'abbot' in Con., 181-2, 193-4,197,211-13 Ambrose,bishop of Milan,88-90,93, 112,145,153,157n29,224-5,237; Life of (byPaulinus of Milan),95, 144,162-3 Amoun of Rhaithou (Tor,near Suez), Egyptian ascetic,26-7,27n36 Antioch: schism at,104-7,107n36,174 Antony of Egypt,xvii,xx,20-22,24-5, 24n25,36nI3,65,163,201nI4; relations with secular world,38n21, 44-5,60-61,163;view of ascetic history,22-4; demons,34,47-8; visions,27-8; compared withPa­ chomius,22,34-6,134n3;events after death,72; Life of, 14-16,38, 45,47n85,69,72,83,85-6,92-5; impact of Life oron Augustine, 92-5;impact of Life oron Cassian, 198n55,211; impact of Life rifon Jerome,69,105,133-7,144; impact of Life ofon Sulpicius,69,79,95, 144,148,156n23. See also Evagrius of Antioch Apollonius,ascetic in the Historia Monachornm, 41 ApophthegmataPatrum, 12-14,21, 26n35,30n56,33,39,45,49n94, 60n23,69-73,222n6,224,254-5 Aquileia,87,90,100,102,250. See aLID Chromatius,bishop of Aquileia; Fortunatianus,bishop of Aquileia; Valerian,bishop of Aquileia; Jerome: in Aquileia Arcadius,emperor: legislation on monks,10 Archebius,bishop ofPanephysis (Nile Delta),151n48,216 Arius,bishop ofPanopolis (Akhmim), 64-5 Asella*,110,112 Athanasius,archbishop of Alexandria, 66-7,81-3,85,104,143-4. See also Antony of Egypt: Life of Augustine,bishop of Hippo,46,48n88, 82n8,92-5,112,119,127,149n37, 153,157n29,209n54,223n9,231, 234n61,237; Life of (byPossidius), 95,145,161nl,162 Aurelius Victor,102n11,134n4,206n42 Ausonius,184n5,206 Auxentius,bishop of Milan,86,88 Babut,Ernest-Charles,144n7,154n13, 154n15,156n26 Bacht,Heinrich,35n7 Basil,bishop of Caesarea,xi,xii,25, 81-2,104-5,149,237 Blesilla*,110 Bonosus*,100-101,115n6,250 Bousset,Wilhelm,40n37,51nl11, 187n23 Brictius,bishop of Tours,159,235 Brown, Peter,ix,xii-xiii,xviii Burton-Christie,Douglas,xix n41 Butler,Cuthbert,16n28 Cassian,John: biographical details,17, 25,65,169-76,187n21,211-12;as a cleric,172,174-5; restlessness, 172-3,187n21;relations with John Chrysostom,17,169-73,175,228; compared with Jerome,122,132, 138n24,172-5,185nll,208, 233n55,234n61; compared with Martin of Tours,183,227; on au­ thority and obedience,189-98, 274 INDEX Cassian,John (cant.) 231-4;on contemplation,177-80, 201-2,211,228;and controversy over teaching of Origen,171-2, 190-91;on freedom and grace,202, 231-4;on miracles,213-15;on monastic history,192-4,200-201, 210-11;on paganism and its litera­ ture,190-91,201,223;on Scripture, 179,180nl0,189,191,223,228, 232;as a writer,xix,xxiii,69,79,95, 133,146,169,221-34;as forerunner of monastic rules,194-8,225-7, 227n25,236;his audience,199-205, 222-3;Institutes, 185nIl,231n48, 236,253n28,254-5;Conferences, 225-7,227n 25,227n27,231-4, 234nn60-61,236,254-5;relation between Institutes and Conferences, 185n11,213n68,225n20,234n61; De lncarnatione, 170-71,173, 227-31,232n54,234n60;later repu­ tation,226,235-9. See alsoAntony of Egypt: Life of; word;Evagrius of Pontus;Ger­ manus,Cassian's companion;her­ mits and coenobites: Cassian on the superiority of the latter;pastoral engagement,ascetics': Cassian and Castor,bishop of Apt,183,217,229n35 Cavallera,Ferdinand,107n36,115n7 Celestine I,bishop of Rome,217n88, 219n96 Chadwick,Owen,169n2,170n7, 184n4, 187n23,198n55,213n68,222n6, 228n29,231n46,232n54 charism of the word: among early east­ ern ascetics,19-21,23-4,26-7,30, 37,52-63,69-70;Sulpicius and, 146,152;Cassian and its decline, 189-95,224-5,230 Chin,Catherine,xxi n46 Chitty,Derwas,14n18,28n45,29n54, 35n7,87n29,243-7 Chromatius,bishop of Aquileia,46n78, 89-90,250 Chrysostom,John,archbishop of Constantinople,17,82n9,169-74, 228,237 Clark,Elizabeth A.,xxv-xxvi Constantius II,emperor,84-6,104,134 Courcelle; Pierre, Il5n7 Cyprian,bishop of Carthage,112,123, 190n9 Cyril,archbishop of Alexandria: and at­ tacks on...
