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Notes Preface 1. H.-W. Sinn, Das grüne Paradoxon. Plädoyer für eine illusionsfreie Klimapolitik (Econ), first edition 2008, second edition 2009. For more references, see chapters 4 and 5. 2. I refer here to Ottmar Edenhofer and his team at the Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research). Mr. Edenhofer is co-chair of Working Group II of the IPCC. Chapter 1 1. Avogadro’s law states that equal volumes of ideal gases contain, at the same pressure and temperature, the same number of molecules. This means that there is the same number of molecules of each gas per cubic meter. 2. See J. T. Houghton, Global Warming (Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 16; B. Klose, Meteorologie (Springer, 2008), p. 116; W. Weischet and W. Endlicher , Einführung in die allgemeine Klimatologie (Gebrüder Bornträger, 2008), p. 160. 3. See Houghton, Global Warming. 4. See N. Stern, The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. iv; S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K. B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H. L. Miller, eds., Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis (Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. 435. 5. B. Frenzel, B. Pecsi, and A. A. Velichko, eds., Atlas of Palaeoclimates and Palaeoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere (INQUA/Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Gustav Fischer, 1992). 6. Ibid. 7. This phenomenon was described first by Joseph Fourier in 1824. See J. Fourier, “Remarques générales sur les températures du globe terrestre et des espaces planétaires,” Annales de Chemie et de Physique 27 (1824): 136–167; J. Fourier, 236 Notes “Memoire sur les témpératures du globe terrestre et des espaces planétaires,” Memoires de l’Academie Royale des Sciences 7 (1827): 569–604. Further milestones in research were set by J. Tyndall (“On the absorption and radiation of heat by gases and vapours, and on the physical connection of radiation, absorption , and conduction,” Philosophical Magazine 22 (1861): 169–194, 273–285) and S. Arrhenius (“On the influence of carbonic acid in the air upon the temperature of the ground,” Philosophical Magazine 41 (1896): 237–276). Svante Arrhenius estimated that a doubling of the CO2 content in the atmosphere would lead to a 5–6ºC increase in temperature, a value remarkably close to present estimates. Roger Revelle and Hans Suess were the first to call attention to the danger posed by increasing CO2 emissions to our climate (“Carbon dioxide exchange between atmosphere and ocean and the question of an increase of atmospheric CO2 during the past decades,” Tellus 9 (1957): 18–27). 8. The source of the data mentioned here is R. K. Pachauri and A. Reisinger, eds., Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report (IPCC, 2007). 9. See Houghton, Global Warming, p. 16; J. Jucundus, “Zusammenhänge und Wechselwirkungen im Klimasystem,” in Der Klimawandel—Einblicke, Rückblicke und Ausblicke, ed. W. Endlicher and F.-W. Gerstengarbe (G&S Druck und Medien, 2007). 10. J. T. Kiehl and K. E. Trenberth, “Earth’s annual global mean-energy budget,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78 (1997): 197–208. 11. One exception is the water vapor an airplane leaves in its wake in the form of condensation trails (contrails) in the upper atmosphere. It may need up to 100 years to precipitate as rain. But it does eventually disappear completely. See W. Zittel and M. Altmann, “Birgt eine Wasserstoffenergiewirtschaft höhere Klimarisiken als die Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger?” Energie 45 (1994): 25–29. 12. D. Archer, “Fate of fossil fuel CO2 in geologic time,” Journal of Geophysical Research 110 (2005): 5–11; D. Archer and V. Brovkin, “Millennial atmospheric lifetime of anthropogenic CO2,” 2006, submitted to Climate Change (http://; G. Hoos, R. Voss, K. Hasselmann, E. Meier-Reimer, and F. Joos,“A nonlinear impulse response model of the coupled carbon cycle-climate system (NICCS),” Climate Dynamics 18 (2001): 189–202. 13. Solomon et al., Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, p. 212. See J. T. Houghton, Y. Ding, D. J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P. J. van der Linden, X. Dai, K. Maskell, and C. A. Johnson, eds., Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis (Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 554. 14. Further details can be found in C. D. Schönwiese, Klimatologie, second edition (Ulmer, 2003). 15. CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Key Greenhouse and Ozone Depleting Gases ( 16. L. K. Gohar and K. P. Shine, “Equivalent...
