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aaron, raymond, 104 achebe, Chinua, 157n43 action: beginnings and, 61; vs. behavior, 148n32; as characteristic of political realm, 51, 53, 54, 55, 59, 98; freedom and, 147n30; vs. violence, 95 adams, John, 62 algeria, 102, 108–109, 161n54, 162n57. See also Fanon, Frantz allen, danielle s., 16, 135n4, 137n34 almog, schmuel, 13 American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 3, 36–37 american revolution, 61–63, 143n25; compared with French revolution, 59, 62, 68, 97, 149n1, 149n3; as political revolution, 52, 62, 68, 150n10; slavery and, 12–13, 62–63, 66, 75–76, 85, 128, 150n10 American Slavery, American Freedom (Morgan), 39–40, 66 anti-Black racism: antisemitism and, 123, 135n12, 156n26; elements of in arendt’s analyses, 13, 86, 88–89, 91–92, 127–128, 129–130; history, 13, 77– 78, 156n27; imperialism and, 13, 77–80, 82–85, 86–87, 90–92, 100–101; nationalism and, 85– 88; as political issue, 22, 123; vs. prejudice, 121; slavery history and, 65–66; as social issue, 1–2, 36–37, 123; violence and, 90, 91, 100, 112, 120, 163n21; white backlash and, 120, 129; as white problem, 2–3 antisemitism, 132n6; anti-Black racism and, 123, 135n12, 156n26; arendt’s personal experiences, 19–20, 123; enlightenment and, 153n46; hyphenation , 136n19; vs. Jew hatred, 156n26; totalitarianism and, 77, 80. See also Jewish question assimilationism, 4–5, 7, 8–9, 10, 23, 144n29, 153n46. See also Jewish question; parvenupariah framework Baldwin, James, 3–5, 5–6, 123, 132nn10–12, 132n14 Barnett, ross, 121, 164n34 Bass, Harry, 16 Bates, daisy, 16, 17 beginnings, 60–61, 74, 98, 149n5 Belgian Congo, 157n44 Bell, derrick, 29, 140n70, 141n7 Belley, Jean-Baptiste, 74 Benhabib, seyla: Black parents as parvenus, 23; on Eichmann in Jerusalem, 87; public-private distinction, 54, 55, 57–58; rise of social realm, 147n31, 148n32, 148n43 Benjamin, Walter, 159n10 Bernasconi, robert, 147n17; emotions vs. political realm, 165n8; gobineau’s us popularity, 156n28; political-private-social framework, 48, 54,55–56,58,150n10;proto-racism, 154n8; white man’s rank order of discrimination, 144n31 Bernstein, richard: and arendt, 54; assimilationism , 9; human rights, 7, 153n46; Jewish question definition, 1; parvenu-pariah distinction, 10,23–24;political-socialdistinction,69,148n38 Between Past and Future, 10, 11, 124–126, 130, 165n3 Between War and Politics (owens), 93 Birmingham, Peg, 160n15 Black Jacobins, The (James), 75 Black Power movement, 13; background to, 116; Black studies and, 117; King and, 114, 117, 163n8; rustin and, 114; violence of, 93, 112, 119, 121; whitebacklashand,129;whiteguiltand,119–120 Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon), 101 Black student protests, 13, 164n32; described, 116, 117–118; as nonsensical, 118–119, 129; as violent, 112, 118–120, 122 Black studies programs: arendt’s criticism, 112, 114, 115, 163n6; defense of, 115, 164n24; establishment of, 116, 117–118; scorn for, 163n11 Blossom, Virgil, 16, 40–41 Blücher, Heinrich, 77 Boers, the, 85–88, 89, 157n34 Bohman, James, 22 Boulainvilliers, Henri de, 83 Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre, 73–74 Brown v. Board of Education (Brown I, 1954), 141n7; Black opposition, 21, 26; comparedwith Brown II, 24; ellison on, 137n32; historical background, 30–33; lack of enforcement, 28; miscegenation issue and, 38, 40, 146n54. See also integration; naaCP index 168 | index Brown v. Board of Education (Brown II, 1955), 24, 28–29 Burden of Our Time, The, 64, 77, 151n13. see also Origins of Totalitarianism, The Burke, edmund, 84 Butler, Judith, 115 Cable, george Washington, 48–51, 57 Campbell, Will, 16 Canovan, Margaret: compassion as unpolitical , 150n8; consistency between “reflections” and other writings, 43; greek polis as model, 54; labor, work, and action, 147n30; political freedom requiring oppression of others, 68– 69, 159n10 capitalism, 87 Carlos, John, 116 Carmichael, stokely, 21, 114, 117, 163n8 Central High school (Little rock), 16–17, 21, 41, 135n5 Césaire,aimé,155n22,159n10;colonialism-nazism connection, 80–81, 82, 90–91; colonialismracism connection, 101; pseudo-humanism, 7 Christianity, 4, 133n19 citizenship, 2; colonization and, 154n6; de facto denial of, 30–31, 48–49, 153n43; vs. human rights, 69, 70–72; vs. slavery, 73; voting rights and, 43–44 “Civil disobedience,” 120–121, 121–122, 164n35 civil rights movement, 43, 116, 117, 120–121, 164n35. See also integration; King, Martin Luther , Jr.; miscegenation laws Clark, Kenneth, 117 Code noir, Le73 colonialism. See imperialism/colonialism “Colonialism is a system” (sartre), 99, 108–109 Columbia university, 116, 118 Commentary(journal),14–15,34–35,132n11,143n27 communicability, 165n2 compassion, 62, 69, 150n8 Condorcet, nicolas de, 73 Conrad, Joseph, 89, 157n43 Conscripts of Modernity (scott...
