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Index abuse, emotional: Audrey, 165, 169, 170-71; Denise, 62-63; prevalence among women prisoners, 250n12; Sissy, 29 abuse, physical. See domestic violence abuse, sexual: Bobbie, 102; Denise, 61; Jacqueline, 148; Melissa, 105, 107, 113-14, 126; Mildred, 11, 12, 13; Olivia, 46, 47, 56, 57, 58; prevalence among women prisoners, 250n12; Sissy, 2728 , 40. See also rape abuse, silence about: Denise, 62-63; Melissa, 119-20, 126-27; Mildred, 11, 13; Olivia, 46, 47, 57-58; Sissy, 27, 28, 31, 32, 41, 43 addiction: Audrey, 167, 168-69; Bobbie, 93, 94, 95, 96; Denise, 60, 65, 70; Deven, 182, 183; incarceration rates for women, 249n6; Jacqueline, 151, 152-53; Melissa, 105-8, 112, 115, 116, 126-27; Olivia, 45, 47-48, 49, 50; Sissy, 29, 43; Solo, 204; Valhalla, 129, 130, 132, 133-34, 137 Adoption and Safe Families Act, 229 African American women: featured in interviews, 3, 241, 249n3; rates of incarceration for, 5, 250n8; in scholarship about crime, 4-5, 250n7 Alexander, Michelle: The New Jim Crow, 4, 5 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll ), 139, 254n6 Alighieri, Dante: Inferno, 214, 256n14 Allison, Dorothy: Bastard out of Carolina , 88-90, 253n17 Ammons, Kevin: Good Girl, Bad Girl, 158, 254n6 And a Voice to Sing With (Baez), 19495 , 255n14 Andrews, V. C.: Flowers in the Attic series, 139, 185, 254n7, 255n1; interviewees ’ enthusiasm for, 8, 41, 144, 231 Angel on My Shoulder (Cole and Diehl), 156-57, 254n3 Anne Frank: The Diary of A Young Girl, 82, 252n9 Arthur, Kay: Our Covenant God, 186, 255n6 Audrey: abuse, emotional, 165, 169, 170-71; activities in prison, 166; addiction, 167, 168-69; on crime and punishment practices, 173-74; criminal history, 167-68; domestic violence, 163-65, 167, 169, 170-73, 175, 177, 178-79; educational history, 161, 163, 166; family history, 161-62, 175, 228; future plans, 170, 175, 236; on learning to accept help, 174-75; motherhood, 163, 166, 168, 169-70, 264 index 171, 173, 174, 229; reading preferences, 176; on true crime books’ depictions of violent women, 176-79, 232 autobiography: And a Voice to Sing With (Baez), 194-95, 255n14; Angel On My Shoulder (Cole and Diehl), 156, 254n3; The Autobiography of Malcolm X, 155-56, 254n2; A Child Called “It” (Pelzer), 90, 253n18; Anne Frank: The Diary of A Young Girl, 82, 252n9; Dreamgirl (Wilson), 98, 253n5; The Glass Castle (Walls), 140, 254n8; Orange Is the New Black (Kerman), 8; scholarship about, 5, 7, 9, 232, 238; Soledad Brother (Jackson ), 202, 256n5; Up from Slavery (Washington), 155, 254n1 Babysitters Club series (Martin), 139, 254n1 Bad Girlz (Holmes), 98, 253n6 Baez, Joan: And a Voice to Sing With, 194-95, 255n14 Baker, T. N.: Sheisty and Sheisty II, 99, 253n11 Bastard out of Carolina (Allison), 8890 , 253n17 Battlefield of the Mind (Meyer), 56, 102, 188-89, 252n12 Beard v. Banks, 2 Beauty for Ashes (Meyer), 56, 252n11 Beloved (Morrison), 83, 86, 252n13 Berger, John, 7 Birth Book, The (Sears),185, 255n2 Black Dahlia (Ellroy), 98, 253n8 black women. See African American women Bleachers (Grisham), 16, 251n3 Bluest Eye, The (Morrison), 193-94, 233, 252n12 Bobbie: abuse, sexual, 102; activities in prison, 95-96; addiction, 93, 94, 95, 96; addiction of family members, 93; on crime and punishment practices , 93, 95, 96-97, 238; criminal history, 93-94; on The Da Vinci Code, 103; domestic violence, 93, 96; educational history, 93; family history, 92-93, 95, 96; future plans, 97, 236; on Jackie Collins’s books, 100, 101; on Mario Puzo’s books, 99, 101; motherhood, 92, 94, 228, 229; reading as tool for self-education and self-reflection, 102, 230; reading preferences, 97-98, 99, 104; on selfhelp books, 102-3; on urban fiction, 98, 99, 100, 101 Book of Ruth, The (Hamilton), 140, 254n10 books for prisoners, organizations that gather, 269-70 Brown, Dan: The Da Vinci Code, 103, 253n18 Burke, Kenneth: books as “equipment for living,” 230 Butler, Octavia: Kindred, 159, 254n7 Carnes, Patrick: Don’t Call It Love, 126 254n7 Carroll, Lewis: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 139, 254n6 censorship in penal settings: banning of unsanctioned reading group, 256n2; banning of urban fiction, 145, 231, 256n18; Beard v. Banks, 2; library policies, 211-12 Changing Lives Through Literature program, 251n16 Charmed to Death (Singular), 122-23, 254n5 Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul (Lagana et al.), 88, 90, 190-92, 232, 252n14, 255n12 Child Called “It” A (Pelzer), 90, 253n18 Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis), 139, 146, 254n5 [
