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index Abernathy, ralph, 215n13 abortion, 22, 27 absentee ballots, 29 Acheson, Dean, 23 affirmative action: analysis, 304n13; anti-affirmative action arguments, 87, 281, 288, 290, 314; Asian Americans, 303n4; hip hop, 225; Jesse Jackson, 22, 24, 32n23, 254; legal cases, 269–99, 303n7, 307n29; Barack Obama, 11, 24, 256, 278–93, 302, 305–6n17; Michelle Obama, 239 Afghanistan, 228, 255, 258, 260, 268, African Command Center, 270 African Methodist episcopal Church, 52, 168, 189 Africa policy, 270 AFrICOM. See African Command Center Al-Amin, Imam Jamil, 121 Allen, richard, 189 A.M.e. Church. See African Methodist episcopal Church American Civil rights Initiative, 281 American recovery and reinvestment Act, 103 Arrington, richard, 16 Axelrod, David, 100, 223, 278 Ayers, William, 258 Baker, ella, 7, 161 Beck, Glenn, 115, 123 Bernanke, Ben, 105 Berrien, Jacqueline, 103 Berry, halle, 156 Biden, Joe: experience, 88, 130, 227; Obama-Biden ticket, 34–35, 46–47, 51– 55; political image, 11, 68, 265 Bin-Wahad, Dhoruba, 121 Black Panther Party, 22, 121, 184, 244 black power: Black Power, 242; Black Theology and Black Power, 185, 190; movement , 7, 159, 183–86, 190, 220; Barack Obama, 112, 160; Michelle Obama, 243 Booker, Cory, 17, 19, 209 Bradley, Bill, 65 Bradley, Tom, 16, 85 Braun, Carol Moseley, 18, 202 Brazile, Donna, 18 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 52, 312 320 . iNDEx Brown, Jerry, 65 Brown, ron 9 Brown v. Board of Education, 201 Buchanan, Patrick, 66 Bunche, ralph, 1, 300 Bush, George h. W., 8, 72, 126, 224, 264 Bush, George W.: Bush administration, 123, 129, 149, 260, 261–74; civil rights, 256; economy, 128; hurricane Katrina, 11, 25; jobs, 129; media support, 123; personality, 220; Troubled Asset relief Program, 105; 2000/2004 elections, 27, 61–62, 72, 73, 74, 102; 2008 election, 24, 67–70, 75; Voting rights Act, 102; White house, 100 Byrne, Jane, 26 California Civil rights Initiative (CCrI), 281 Camara, Dom helder, 169 Caribbean Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), 271 Carmichael, Stokely, 22, 161, 183, 185, 186, 242 Carson, Johnnie, 270 Carter, Jimmy, 8, 27; African American electorate, 64, 79n14, 224; Carter administration , 102, 104, 224; Southern electorate, 71, 72 Chavez, hugo, 230, 271 Chicago: affirmative action, 285, 306; Apostolic Church of God, 244; “black agenda” meeting, 107; Chicago style politics, 45, 83; Common (artist) 228; community organizing, 20, 244, 254; black mayoral candidates, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25; Barack Obama, 15, 21, 24–25, 95, 100, 223; Michelle Obama, 237, 238, 240, 243, 244, 246; presidential election night, 99, 112, 115, 120; Trinity United Church of Christ, 86, 176, 190–92, 198, 242 China, 266, 267 Chisholm, Shirley: influential African American women, 236; presidential campaign , 17, 18, 154, 202, 254, 255 Churchill, Winston, 1 Ciara, Barbara, 119 civil rights: activists, 3, 8, 296; African American tradition, 52, 53, 207–9; Black Power movement, 159, 183, 185, 186, 220; black theology, 168, 184–86; candidates ’ records, 63, 64, 158; colorblindness 173, 278; Jesse Jackson, 17, 25, 32n33; Kennedy-Johnson administration, 7, 312; Dr. Martin Luther King, 171, 184, 204–5, 217n25; leaders, 52, 102, 228, 273, 312; legislation, 7, 102, 225, 312, 313; John Lewis, 3, 86; Malcolm x, 204, 217n25; music, 104, 167, 228; national agenda, 8, 107, 313; Barack Obama, 52, 87, 158, 255, 292, 311; organizations, 4, 34, 273; petitions to Congress, 6; ronald reagan, 224; reform, 101; republican opposition 8; victories, 7 Civil rights Act (1957), 102 Civil rights Act (1965): African Americans, 207; hillary Clinton comment, 35, 36, 131; Lyndon B. Johnson, 35, 102, 131; ronald reagan, 8; Ricci v. DeStefano, 296 Civil War, 6, 92, 206, 312, 313, Clark, Wesley, 65 climate change, 118, 264 Clinton, Bill: “Black” president, 2, 9, 156, 222; black voters, 9, 35, 65, 98, 149; campaigning for hillary Clinton, 37, 61, 93, 94, 138n6; change in racial demographics , 11, 30; Global Initiative, 84, 271; hip-hop community, 225; Jesse Jackson analogy, 130–33; parallels to Obama administration, 88, 123, 156, 264, 270; personality, 219; Plan Colombia , 271; policy, 264, 279; political coalition , 76; political compromise, 4; presidential administration, 50, 102, 128–29, 137n4; presidential appointments, 9, 265, 266, 270, 308; presidential legacy, 126–29, 135; race and campaigning, 132, 133, 135, 136; relation to African American community, 84, 126–27, 130, 133–36, 286; scandals, 127, 137n4; Southern Democratic voters 72; support for Barack Obama, 137; voter registration 26–27; as a white Southern president , 27, 72; white voters, 8, 67, 98 Clinton, hillary: African American voters in presidential primaries, 63, 66, 97...
