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Whirlwind The whirlwind came and carried away his trees and bushes and plants. It carried away his roof, and the roof of his silo. It carried away the mailman at his appointed rounds, and distributed the mail haphazardly. It looked to be an extended whirlwind, for its energy toiled at the fields and uprooted the sycamores and scarecrows. The whirlwind engaged him at the intellectual level, for it fostered the philosophy of whirlwinds, wherein the rake and the hoe and other farm implements are carried up into the sky, where they might toil at the fields of the sky, and be judged. His house moreover was banished, and his dreams. His aspiration to be a corsair of the fields. His fortitude in the midst of snake-like enchantment. This was the chiefest of his virtues: wherein he plied the same field as the whirlwind, and coughed up the acidic phlegm of the roughneck storm. Remote, this storm, from the scalawags, and from the fields, defenseless. 01.Poems.1-64_Fried.indd฀฀฀1 11/28/05฀฀฀12:33:17฀PM ...
