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43 The฀Box In the box there were wonderful examples of folded paper and cheesecloth. There were caraway seeds too. And there was peat. Best of all, there were staples of the artifact, and a scrubbed-down version of the icon that had tempered so many lives. The box was big enough to sit on, and that he did, on the median strip, while the traffic passed around him. In his leisure time he bore witness. But sitting on the box containing folded paper and cheesecloth was his heyday, for he was indeed a billy goat, and could eat the box and everything in it, and some masonry as well. And so he fell, an emissary of the horizon, in high time for the dragon. 01.Poems.1-64_Fried.indd฀฀฀43 11/28/05฀฀฀12:33:20฀PM ...
