In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • States and changes of state: A crosslinguistic study of the roots of verbal meaningSupplementary material
  • John Beavers, Michael Everdell, Kyle Jerro, Henri Kauhanen, Andrew Koontz-Garboden, Elise LeBovidge, and Stephen Nichols

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[Download PDF file] Supplemental materials on language references

This PDF file contains a list of the grammar and dictionary resources used to collect data for the typological study in the main article.

[Download PDF file] Supplemental materials on alternative statistical treatments

This PDF file outlines the alternative statistical treatments to those applied to the typological data set in the main article. This includes the same statistical tests as used in the article but including hypotheticalized data points, as well as Monte Carlo simulations for those tests with and without hypotheticals to show that the procedure of randomly selecting synonyms for a given data point did not introduce bias into the results. It also includes a set of generalized linear mixed models to provide an alternative means of supporting the main hypotheses from the article.

John Beavers
The University of Texas at Austin
Michael Everdell
The University of Texas at Austin
Kyle Jerro
University of Essex
Henri Kauhanen
University of Konstanz
Andrew Koontz-Garboden
The University of Manchester
Elise LeBovidge
University of Washington
Stephen Nichols
The University of Manchester
