In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Periodicals


Annals of Science, 77, 1 (January 2020)

Includes: Luís Campos Ribeiro, ‘The Bounded Heavens: Defining the Limits of Astrological Practice in the Iberian Indices’; Francisco Malta Romeiras, ‘Putting the Indices into Practice: Censoring Science in Early Modern Portugal’; Luís Tirapicos, ‘On the Censorship of Tycho Brahe’s Books in Iberia’.

———, 77, 3 (July 2020)

Includes: Mordechai Feingold and Andrej Svorenčík, ‘A Preliminary Census of Copies of the First Edition of Newton’s Principia (1687)’.

Archaeologia Aeliana, 5th ser., 48 (2019)

Includes: Mike Barke, ‘“Dr Burn does not seem to have been aware …”: The Rev. John Hodgson’s Copy of Dr Richard Burn’s History of Westmorland (1777)’.

Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 69, 182–3 (2019)

Includes: Véronique Stoll and Aleth Tisseau des Escotais, ‘Les fonds La Hire à l’Observatoire de Paris: des sources pour l’histoire des sciences’.

———, 70, 184–5 (2020)

Includes: Caroline Petit, ‘Les manuscrits grecs du traité des Simples de Galien’.

Archives of Natural History, 47, 2 (October 2020)

Includes: Wu Huiyi and Zheng Cheng, ‘Transmission of Renaissance Herbal Images to China: The Beitang Copy of Mattiodi’s Commentaries on Dioscorides and its Annotations’; Peter F. Riches, ‘A Recently Discovered Hand-Coloured Geological Map of Norfolk and Suffolk Attributed to Richard Cowling Taylor (1789–1851)’; Debra J. Lindsay, ‘The Limits of Imperial Influence: John Audubon in British North America’.

Ben Jonson Journal, 27, 2 (November 2020)

Includes: Christina Wiendels, ‘“Are all diseases dead”: The Likelihood of an Attribution to Ben Jonson’., 9, 1 (2020) []

Includes: Koichi Tukishima, ‘Pagination Printed by Aldus Manutius’; Elisabetta Guerrieri, ‘Negli scrigni di monna Caterina: i libri di Stefano di Nello Fatinelli (1419)’; Fabrizio Fossati, ‘Primi cenni sul fondo degli incunaboli della Biblioteca Diocesana di Aosta: con una precisazione bibliografica su un’edizione lionese e il ritrovamento di una cinquecentina italiana sconosciuta’; Diego Baldi, ‘Il De Scriptis et Bibliothecis Antediluvianis di Joachim Johann Mader’; Riccardo Neri, ‘L’edizione aretina delle opere di Lodovico Antonio Muratori (1767–1780)’; Luca Tosin, ‘La “libraria” dei frati Cappuccini di Sanremo e la donazione di Francesco Corradi’; Alfredo Serrai, ‘Plan d’une bibliotheque universelle’; Lucia Sardo, ‘“At the risk of entering into minute and very uninteresting particulars”: la querelle tra Antonio Panizzi e Nicholas Harris Nicolas’; Claudia Sojer, ‘La Abteilung für Sondersammlungen della Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol a Innsbruck Breve saggio su storia, status quaestionis e progetti in corso’; Mauro Guerrini and Rossano De Laurentiis, ‘La Biblioteca della Camera dei deputati tra storia istituzionale, dedizione dei suoi bibliotecari e servizi ai lettori interni ed esterni’.

———, 9, 2 (2020)

Includes: Luca Tiberi, ‘La biblioteca di Alessandria e l’incendio che non la distrusse, I: Riflessioni moderne fino a Giusto Lipsio’; Riccardo Pane, ‘Nuove acquisizioni sullo Specchio di Illuminazione della Beata Illuminata Bembo’; Giovanna Granata, ‘Patrimonio librario antico e biblioteche religiose. Il caso della Sardegna’; Antonella Brunelli, ‘Iside a Bologna: Hieroglyphica e Aegyptiaca nelle collezioni librarie bolognesi tra Cinque e Seicento’; Francesca Nepori, ‘Giovanni Parè, libraio ed editore nella Venezia della seconda metà del Seicento’; Andrea Moroni, ‘Dei “Bibliotecarj” del Giornale de’ letterati d’Italia’; Alfredo Serrai, ‘Giuseppe Malatesta Garuffi’; Giampiero Mughini, ‘La mia biblioteca’ [with English summaries].

Book Collector, 69, 4 (Winter 2020)

Includes: Michael Ladenburger, ‘Ludwig van Beethoven: Facsimile, Fakesimile, Fake’; Clare Imholtz, ‘Discovery: The Rough Draft of a Lewis Carroll Poem’; Alan M. Klein, ‘Two American Poets and their Publishers’; Frans A. Janssen, ‘Play or Purpose? Title-Pages in the Sixteenth Century’; Mary Wellesley and A. S. G. Edwards, ‘Broken Up: The History of a Middle English Manuscript’; Claudine van Hensbergen, ‘Dr Johnson’s Library at Auction’; Lauren O’Hagan, ‘Social Posturing in the Edwardian Bookplate, 1901–1914’; David Pearson, ‘Book Owners Online: A New Online Resource’; Justin Croft, ‘Merton College Library’; Alastair M. Johnston, ‘Hendrik Désiré Louis Vervliet: An Appreciation’; Stephen Clark, ‘The Libraries of Twelve Early Members of The Club, Pt I: Sir Joshua Reynolds’; Mirjam M. Foot, ‘A Binding Made in Paris by Devauchelle, c.1967’; A. S. G. Edwards, ‘An Association Copy’ [Gavin Ewart’s copy of W. H. Auden’s Another Time].

Book History, 23 (2020)

Includes: Craig Kallendorf, ‘Humanism, Painting, and the Book...

