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STUDIES ON REPUBLICAN CHINA IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Peter M. Kuhfus (with Gudrun Wacker) As with our previous contributions, the following list is comprised of two categories of works: those which focus exclusively on issues from the Republican era and those which address Republican topics within a broader context. Most entries date from 1987 and 1988. Some titles from Austria are also on the list. It should be noted, however, that this compilation, like our previous ones, does not claim to be comprehensive. 1. Coapleted Works 1.1 Books 1. Beike, Mechthild: The Women of the Chinese Revolution. Roads to Self-Determination (Die Frauen der chinesischen Revolution. Wege zur Selbstbestimmung). Mu n s t e r : Thien u. Wienold, 1987. 2. Eberstein, Bernd: Hamburg- China. History of a Partnership (Hamburg - China. Geschichte einter Partnerschaft . Hamburg: Christians, 1988. 3. Hartwich, Richard: Steyler Missionaries in China IV: Spiritual Leader of his China Missionaries, Rev.mus P. Wilhelm Gier SVD 1922 (Steyler Missionare in China IV: Geistlicher Fuhrer seiner Chinamissi6nare Rev.mus P. Wilhelm Gier SVD 1922). Nettetal: Steyler Verlag, 1988. 4. Kubin, Wolfgang (ed.): Feng Zhi. The Inter.Nationes Award for Art 1987 (Feng Zhi. Inter Nationes Kunstpreis 1987). Bonn: Inter Nationes, 1987. 5. Schultz-Naumann, Joachim: Under the Kaiser's Flag: Germany's Protectorates in the Pacific and China, Past and Present (Unter Kaisers Flagge: Deutschlands Schutzgebiete im Pazifik und in China einst und heute). Munchen: Universitas, 1985. 6. Suffa-Friedel, Frank: Diplomatic Records of Sino-German Relations, 1928-1938 (Diplomatische Akten der deutschchinesischen Beziehungen, 1928-1938}. Munch en : Minerva, 1988. 134 ) 7. Wippermann, Dorothea: The Phonetic Alphabet Zhuyin Zimu. Emergence and Dissemination in the Course of the National Language Movement in the Republic of China 1912-1949 (Das Phonetische Alphabet Zhuyin Zimu. Entstehung and Verbreiting im Zuge der Nationalsprachlichen Bewegung in der Republik China 1912-1949). Bo chum : Brockmeyer, 1985. 8. Wu, Cheng-,9hi: On the Origins of the Sino-Soviet Border Conflict (Utfer die Urspr~nge des Chinesisch-Sowjetischen Grenzkonfliktes). Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1988. - l 1.2 Articles • 9. Brotel, Dieter: "French Imperialism 1885-1914" ("FranzBsischer Imperialismus 1885-1914"). Das neue China, 1988, no. 2, pp. 37-39. 10. Ch'en, Jerome: "Sun Vat-sen's Journey to Beijing 19241925 " ("Sun Vat-sen's Reise nach Beijing 1924-1925"). China Report, 95/96 (1987), pp. 32-48. 11. Findeisen, Raoul David: "A Nietzsche Bibliography for China ( 1902'-1986)" ("Nietzsche-Bibliographie f8.r China [1902-1986]"). Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 10 {1987), pp. 333-352. 12. Fr~h~uf, Heiner: "Of Men and Books. Autobiography and the Search for the Aesthetic Experience in the Work of Yu Dafu" {Von Menschen und Btlchern. Autobiographie und die Suche nach l:f.sthetischer Erfahrung im Werk Yu Dafus") . Drachenboot, 2 (1988) , pp. 96-119. 13. Halbeisen, Hermann: "Sunism and Maoism" ("Sunismus and Maoismus"). Piper's Handbook of Political Ideas, Vol. 5: The Modern Era. From the Age of Imperialism to the New Social Movements (Pipers Handbuch der politischen Ideen, Bd. 5: Neuzeit. Vom Zeitalter des Imperialismus his zu den neuen sozialen Bewegungen). Munchen: Piper, 19~7. pp. 403-419. 14. Kampen, Thomas: "Wang J iaxi ang and the Rise of Mao Zedong" ("Wang Jiaxiang und der Aufstieg Mao Zedongs"). Asien, no. 25 {1987), pp. 1-19. 15. Kubin, Wolfgang: Marriage), 1944". "Su Qing, Jiehun shinian (Ten Years of A Selective Guide to Chinese Litera135 ....:t...;::uc=..r..;:;;.e---=.1~9~0=-0--=-1=-94-=-9;::;_,;_._V::....:o:;..;l::...;·:.........:1:...::_..:T.:.:h:.;:e-.:..:N.;:.o...:...v.;:.e.::..l, e d . by Mi 1 en a Dolezelova-Velingerova. Leiden: Brill, 1988, pp. 161163 . 16. Kubin, Wolfgang: "Mao Dun, Ye giangwei (Wild Roses), 19 2 9" . A Selective Guide to Chinese Literature 19001949 . Vol. 2: The Short Story, ed. by Zbigniew Slupski. Leiden: Brill, 1988, pp. 135-137. 17. Kubin, Wolfgang: "The Paradigm of the Inhibition of Action . Concerning a Theory of 20th Century Chinese Drama" ( "Das Paradigma der Handlungshemmung. Zu einer Theorie des chinesischen Theaters im 20. Jahrhundert"). Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 10 (1987), pp. 143-159. 18. Kubin, Wolfgang: "The Philosophy of the Way. The Sonnets of Feng Zhi" (Die Philosophie des Weges. Die Sonette des Feng Zhi"). Drachenboot, 1...

