In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Mr. President and fellow members! I wish to send my hearty congratulations on the formation of the "T'ang Studies Society" on behalf of the Todaishi-kenkyukai, Society for the Study of T'ang History in Japan. Our society, Todaishi-kenkyukai, was organized in 1970 under the leadership of the late Prof. Suzuki Shun. Since then, we have had annual boarding study meetings in summer and a whole day seminar in every November. We have already published three volumes of bulletins and one volume of collected papers entitled "Zui-To Teikoku to Higashi Asia Sekai," Sui-T'ang Empire and the East Asian World. We are going to release a book featuring the new of China during this month. At present, we take a great interest in the history of the "LU-ling," law and statute, and its influence on the Chinese society. In Japan, the study of the Chinese history has been carried out in a field of historical studies of Japan, Europe, Asia and so on. Our society covers most of the leading researchers of the T'ang history in Japan, except those who major in literature, linguistics and art history. In recent years, we have got participation of researchers of the history of the ages before and after the r'ang period, that is, the Han Dynasty, Six Dynasties, Sung Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty. so that we can get a perspective of that period in the Chinese history. Our secretariat has been placed in either an office of Oriental History. the Faculty of Literature of Chou University, or that of Meiji University in Tokyo. The study of the Chinese history in U.S.A. and Europe must be different from ours in the tradition, what they are interested in, and the way of approach. This will bring us a lot of instructive suggestions and that is the very reason why we hope to maintain close relation to your society. We should be very happy if we could give you any help as well. I do wish the successful development of your society. Thank You! Prof. Oba Osamu Kansai University 4 ...

