Russell Sage Foundation
  • Do Employer-Sponsored Immigrants Fare Better in Labor Markets Than Family-Sponsored Immigrants?
Figure 3. Employment Rates of Immigrant Women in Wave One and Two, by Class of Entry Source: Authors' analysis of New Immigrant Survey data, weighted for sampling design and for wave two nonresponse (, ). Note: USC = U.S. citizen. *p < .05, denotes significance of difference from wave one
Figure 3.

Employment Rates of Immigrant Women in Wave One and Two, by Class of Entry

Source: Authors' analysis of New Immigrant Survey data, weighted for sampling design and for wave two nonresponse (Jasso et al. 2006, 2014).

Note: USC = U.S. citizen.

*p < .05, denotes significance of difference from wave one

Direct correspondence to: Julia Gelatt at, Migration Policy Institute, 1400 16th St., NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20036, United States.
