In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject and Use Index

Keyed to The Bulletin’s alphabetical arrangement by author, this index, which appears in each issue, can be used in three ways. Entries in regular type refer to subjects; entries in bold type refer to curricular or other uses; entries in ALL-CAPS refer to genres and appeals. In the case of subject headings, the subhead “stories” refers to books for the readaloud audience; “fiction,” to those books intended for independent reading.

Abuse–fiction: Spurrier

ADVENTURE: Behrens; Berry; Geragotelis; Plozza; Turner

African Americans: Bridges; Slade

African Americans–fiction: Clayton

African Americans–stories: Waters Animals–stories: Boldt; Williamson; Woodruff


Anxiety–fiction: Falkoff

Appearance–fiction: Martins

Art and artists: Brown

Asian Americans–fiction: Yoon

Asian Australians–fiction: Chim

Asian Canadians–stories: Yee

Astronomy: Denos

Basketball: Slade

Bears–stories: Antrobus; Boldt

BEDTIME STORIES: Eggers; Ellis; Ostow

Behavior–stories: Ostow

BIOGRAPHIES: Bridges; Brown; O’Neill

Birds–poetry: Hall

Birds–stories: Williamson

Black people–fiction: Getten

Books and reading–fiction: Safi

Brothers–stories: Pouncey

Brothers and sisters–fiction: Lund; Morosinotto

CAPER STORIES: Geragotelis

Chess: Adewumi

Cities–stories: Pellicioli

Civil rights movement: Bridges; Brimner

Climate change–fiction: Swiller

Counseling: Waters

Creative writing: Suma

Crime and criminals–fiction: Bartlett; Geragotelis; McManus; West

Current events: Bridges; Waters

Dance and dancers–fiction: Schroy

Deafness–stories: Antrobus

Death–fiction: Nagamatsu

Disabilities–fiction: Turner

Disabilities–stories: Antrobus

Disasters: Soontornvat

Disasters–stories: Yolen

Dragons–stories: Graham

Ethics and values: Boelts; Dao; Davis; Ostow

Families–fiction: Chim; Hopkins; McManus

FANTASY: Berry; Clayton; Dao; DeSelm; Ember; Moses; Plozza; Spurrier; Turner

Fathers–fiction: Moses

FOLK-LIKE TALES: Denos; Schmidt

Food and eating–fiction: Chim

Food and eating–stories: Raschka

Friends–fiction: Behrens; Getten; Plozza; Safi

Friends–stories: Boelts; Denos; Kirsch

Gender transition–fiction: Borinsky

Ghosts–fiction: Goodman

Gifts–stories: Boelts; Pellicioli

Government: Davis

Grandparents–stories: Yee

GRAPHIC NOVELS: Gownley; Oseman; Schroy

Growing up–fiction: Gownley [End Page 153]

Guilt–fiction: Lund

History, U.S.: Adler; Bridges; Brimner; O’Neill; Rocco; Slade; Smith

History, world: Davis

Holidays–stories: Raschka

HORROR: Portes

Hotels–stories: Williamson

HUMOR: Boldt; Ellis; Gownley; Hood; Lichtenheld; Smith; Swiller; Williamson

Identity–fiction: Borinsky; Yoon

Imagination–stories: Graham; Pouncey

Immigrants: Adewumi

Insects: Jenkins

Insects–stories: Boelts

Islands–fiction: Getten

Languages–stories: Yee

Latinx people–fiction: Clayton

LGBTQIA people–fiction: Borinsky; Ember; Martins; Nagamatsu; Oseman

LGBTQIA people–stories: Kirsch

Libraries: O’Neill

Literature, children’s: DeSelm

Literature, English: Gong

Love–stories: Kirsch

Magic–fiction: Berry; Ember; Moses

Mental illness–fiction: Chim

Music and musicians–fiction: Yoon

MYSTERIES: Bartlett; McManus

Nature study: Hall; Jenkins; Woodruff

Night: Eggers

Pets–stories: Graham

Pigs: Smith


Politics: Smith

Politics–fiction: Turner

Preppers–fiction: Falkoff

Presidents: Adler

PTSD–fiction: Hopkins

Puppets–fiction: DeSelm


Racism: Slade

Reading, easy: Schmidt

Reading, family: Schmidt

Reading, reluctant: Jenkins

Refugees: Adewumi

Relationships–fiction: Nagamatsu

Rescues: Soontornvat


Romance–fiction: Gong; Martins; Oseman; West; Yoon

Royalty–fiction: Turner

Rural life–fiction: Carpenter

Russia–fiction: Morosinotto

School–fiction: Falkoff; Swiller

School–stories: Ostow

Science: Rocco


Secrets–fiction: Bartlett; Getten; Goodman; McManus


Sheep–stories: Hood

Ships and sailing: Eggers

SHORT STORIES: Carpenter; Clayton; Suma

Sisters–fiction: Goodman

Space travel: Rocco

Space travel–stories: Pouncey

Sports: Slade

Stars–stories: Denos

Storms–stories: Yolen

Storytime: Ostow; Raschka

Suicide–fiction: Lund

SUPERNATURAL STORIES: Gong; Portes; Schroy; West

SURVIVAL STORIES: Behrens; Soontornvat

Survivalists–fiction: Falkoff

Thanksgiving: Raschka

Toys–stories: Lichtenheld

Trials: Brimner

Twins–fiction: Morosinotto


Visions–fiction: Dao

Voyages and travel: Adler

Voyages and travel–fiction: Schmidt

Voyages and travel–stories: Pellicioli

Weather–stories: Yolen

Winter–poetry: Hall

Winter–stories: Woodruff

Witches–fiction: Dao; Spurrier

Wolves–stories: Hood

Work–fiction: Safi

World War II–fiction: Morosinotto

Writers and writing: Suma [End Page 154]


