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Bragger, Jeannette D., and Donald B. Rice. Quant à Moi: Témoignages des Français et des Francophones. 5th ed. Boston: Heinle Cengage, 2013. Manuel de Classe: ISBN 978-1111354176. Pp. 384. $178.95. Manuel de Préparation: ISBN 978-1111836344. Pp. 358. $81.95. Organized around a series of recorded interviews with Francophones addressing the major cultural themes of each chapter, Quant à moi provides a thorough review of French grammar and an extensive selection of cultural and literary readings, as in earlier editions. The new edition, however, includes some welcome new features such as the addition of Francophone songs, expanded cultural sections, and a new premium website. Like the earlier editions, this edition consists of two separate books: the Manuel de Classe and the Manuel de Préparation. The Manuel de Classe, the core of the series, begins with a short preliminary unit followed by six chapters focusing on themes of high interest to learners. Each chapter consists of multiple listening and grammar sections and includes vocabulary, culture, and Littérature sections. In addition , three of the chapters contain Ciné-Club sections,focusing on short Francophone films, available through the optional premium website, and each chapter contains one Francophone song selection as well. The Manuel de Préparation, designed to be used outside of class, closely follows the structure of the Manuel de Classe, consisting of additional practice on grammatical structures and additional exposure to the listening, cultural, and reading segments, all cross-referenced with the Manuel de Classe. Instructors also have the option of using an electronic workbook and course management system available through the Quia platform, as well as the premium website, which provides additional practice and access to the audio program. The greatest strength of Quant à moi is in its treatment of Francophone culture through extensive readings and the use of recordings of Francophones. The authors strike a careful balance between facilitating student comprehension and allowing extensive opportunities for contextualized personalized student practice. The treatment of grammar, however, while thorough and well-considered, includes practice that at times tends more toward the controlled than the communicative, particularly in Manuel de Préparation. Indeed, the authors’intention is to relegate grammar review and writing practice to time spent outside of class as much as possible, freeing up class time for communicative and cultural activities. The series does present some additional potential drawbacks to students and instructors. For one, the use of two separate books may be at times confusing to students, and the constant back-and-forth between the two Manuels may prove to be inconvenient and confusing, although the use of the electronic workbook may help in this regard. Similarly, students who want or need more explicit instruction in grammatical structures during class time may find the approach challenging. In terms of course planning and testing, the long chapters (typically 40–50 pages each) may pose problems for some instructors. Finally, while the Quant à moi program provides a wealth of listening opportunities, some of the spoken material appears scripted and unnatural. Despite these potential shortcomings, Quant à moi offers much in its 196 FRENCH REVIEW 87.1 Reviews 197 favor: rich cultural content, extensive exposure to actual Francophone speakers, and a thorough review of grammatical structures with an emphasis on goal-oriented, meaningful student communication. Texas Tech University Joseph Edward Price St. Onge, Susan, Ronald St. Onge, and Scott Powers. Interaction. 9th ed. Boston: Heinle Cengage, 2013. ISBN 978-1-285-48083-1. Pp. 457. Book + CD-ROM: $142.49. Kindle: $127.99. This new edition offers a systematic grammar program coupled with a broad range of visual, auditory, and reading supports in a one-book format for the study of French and Francophone culture, literature, and language. Each of the ten theme-based units encourages student to expand linguistic and cultural knowledge through readings and varied communicative activities. An added value is the array of language-learning technologies including a video and audio iLrn program available in this all-in-one course. A Learning Center and premium website make this approach the ideal tool for the development of the five skills recommended by the profession at the intermediate level and beyond.Although the goals and chapter format...

