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11 The French Review From the Editor’s Desk Articles submitted 1 June 2014–31 May 2015 (Vol. 88) Rubric Approved Under Rejected Total Evaluation Submitted Actualités 1 – – 1 Dossiers pédagogiques 4 – 2 6 Film 4 3 6 13 Focus on the Classroom 8 7 13 28 Interview 2 1 3 6 Lettrismes – 1 1 2 Linguistics 3 1 3 7 Literature 15 15 27 57 Professional Issues – – 1 1 Society and Culture 5 2 9 16 Totals 42 30 65 137 In terms of the total number of articles submitted, this has been a record year for the French Review. Overall, this is an encouraging trend, indicative of the energy and productivity of our members. However, this trend did not apply to our special issue topic, “Alcools, drogues et visions: littérature et paradis artificiels.” Not enough articles were submitted on this topic to publish a special issue. Vol. 89.4 (May 2016) will therefore be a regular issue. I should point out that the total number of articles we can publish, due to pagination constraints, has remained unchanged for quite a few years: about 50 articles per volume. For the first time, the online Dossier pédagogique rubric is included in the above table. This relatively new—and successful—rubric is part of our goal to provide useful pedagogical resources for colleagues at all levels of the profession, including high school teachers. So far, nine Dossiers have been posted on our website: . The new Book Series is not included in the above table, because it was only recently announced.The launch of the Book Series constitutes the main innovation of Vol. 88 of the French Review. For details on the submission of a book project, please see the Announcements page (298). As is also detailed on the Announcements page, the title of our special issue for Vol. 90 (May 2017) will be: Enfances et adolescences. Scholars working in various fields—literature,film,bandes dessinées,cultural studies,linguistics,and pedagogy— are encouraged to submit articles (deadline: Aug. 1, 2016). All authors/reviewers who wish to submit book projects,articles,and/or reviews to the French Review should familiarize themselves with our formatting guidelines before submission.A particularly important reminder to all reviewers of books,films, and teaching materials: please contact the appropriate Review Editor (see p. 297) before writing a review.Regarding formatting and other issues,our Guide forAuthors is available online: . As is customary, the start of a new volume of the French Review is also the time for a partial changing of the guard. I would like to thank Jack Iverson (Whitman College), former Assistant Editor, and Clyde Thogmartin (Iowa State University of Science and Technology), former Assistant Editor and Managing Editor, for their many years of service to our journal and our profession. Welcome to our new Assistant Editors: Diane Fourny (University of Kansas) and Aaron Prevots (Southwestern University). Since Vol. 85,Aaron Prevots has ably penned the annual“Year in Poetry” article (see p. 31). He will be succeeded next year by John Stout (McMaster University). Last but not least, I would like to announce the launch of the French Review Fund. Proceeds from this new fund will be used to help finance new projects such as the Book Series. Readers of our journal who are interested in donating to this fund can do so online or by sending a check to our Treasurer/Advertising Manager, Ann Sunderland (see p. 297). Edward Ousselin, Editor in Chief 12 FRENCH REVIEW 89.1 ...

