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  • Ad Ful. Grevil. gratiae de Fluuio [June 14, 1620] / To Fulke Greville Thanks Concerning the River [June 14, 1620]

Ad Ful. Grevil. gratiae de Fluuio [June 14, 1620]

Vir Honoratissime.

Scitè et appositè fecisti Fluuium nostrum conservans altero eloquentiae Fluuio, paludumque istos siccatores, (solem officio suo privantes) vi verborum Tuorum obruens. Neque sane quisquam incedit Te instructior ad omnem causam, paratiorve siue a doctrina, siue ab vsu, vtrinque mirus es et exercitatissimus. quare nos tertium praedictis adiungimus Gratiarum Fluuium, de humanitate tua singulari, studioque in nos iam olim perspectissimo, quippè qui eximiè semper fouisti literatos, eosque cum tineis et blattis rixantes, exuens pulvere, in theatrum et lucem produxisti. Tantùm rogamus, vt pergas, & inter nouos honorum cumulos, quod expectamus indies futurum, Almae matris amorem tecum simul evehas. Interim, si qui alij exvrgant promissores magnifici et hiantes, qui sub specie publici commodi, Academiae incommodum videntur allaturi; os importunorum hominum Authoritate tuâ plurimâ & Eloquentiâ non minori nobis obstrue. [End Page 52]

To Fulke Greville Thanks Concerning the River [June 14, 1620]

Most Honorable Sir,

You behaved shrewdly and as you should, safeguarding our River with another River of your eloquence. And, with Your mighty words, you have submerged those men who wanted to drain the marshes dry (stealing the sun’s job). And of course no one is more adept or better prepared than You, when it comes to the pursuit of any of your cases, whether in knowledge or skill; on both levels you are amazing and more experienced than anyone. And so we add our third River of Thanks for your extraordinary, kind devotion to us, which has long been most evident, since you have always cared very deeply about the well-educated. Wiping the dust from those who battle bookworms and bookmoths, you have led them forward onto the stage and into the light. All we ask is that you keep up the good work, and that along with your new bundles of honors you carry our Nurturing Mother’s love with you, while each day with bated breath we await wonderful news. In the meanwhile, if any other boastful and greedy hucksters appear likely to injure the University under the guise of the public good, please shut the troublesome men’s mouth1 for us with your equally commanding Authority and Eloquence. [End Page 53]


