

Introduction. Transgender individuals have higher rates of housing instability than non-transgender individuals. This study assessed the extent to which unstably housed transgender veterans participated in Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Homeless Programs. Methods. Using VHA medical record data for transgender (n=491) and nontransgender (n=473) veterans who self-reported housing instability during fiscal years 2013–2016, chi-square and t-tests identified differences in socio-demographic characteristics and services use; multiple logistic and negative binomial regression assessed the type and number of VHA Homeless Programs veterans used. Results. A larger proportion of transgender veterans who self-reported housing instability used at least one VHA Homeless Program; transgender veterans had greater odds of using permanent supportive housing and homelessness prevention and rapid rehousing services. Discussion. Transgender veterans' housing needs are being met by some VHA Homeless Programs; future research should assess long-term housing outcomes and why particular programs may be less acceptable to transgender veterans with the objective of developing programs to address their unique needs.

