In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received


Baetens, Jan. The Film Photonovel. A Cultural History of Forgotten Adaptations. Austin: U of Texas P, 2019. x +186pp.
Carron, Jean-Claude and Eva Kushner, Editors. Pontus de Tyard. Œuvres complètes. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019. 264pp.
Corbin, Christophe. Revisiting the French Resistance in Cinema, Literature, Bande Dess-sinée and Television (1942–2012). Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019. xiv + 233pp.
Crohas Commans, Julie. Le Jeu du père. Narrations paternelles dans le roman français contemporain. Geneva: Droz, 2019. 330pp.
Douthwaite Viglione, Julia, Antoinette Sol and Catriona Seth, Editors. Teaching Representations of the French Revolution. New York: MLA, 2019. ix + 368pp.
Francis, Scott. Advertising the Self in Renaissance France. Lemaire, Marot & Rabelais. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2019. xiii + 267pp.
Goddard, Linda. Savage Tales. The Writings of Paul Gauguin. New Haven: Yale UP, 2019. 208pp.
Izzo, Justin. Experiments with Empire. Anthropology and Fiction in the French Atlantic. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019. ix + 282pp.
Keller-Privat, Isabelle & Karin Schwerdtner, Editors. La lettre trace du voyage à l’époque moderne et contemporaine. Paris: PUPN, 2019. 254pp.
Kemp, Simon. Writing the Mind. Representing Consciousness from Proust to the Present. New York: Routledge, 2019.viii + 202pp.
Larrier, Renée and Ousseina D. Alidou. Writing Through the Visual and Virtual. Inscribing Language, Literature, and Culture in Francophone Africa and the Caribbean. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019. xxviii + 369pp.
Louth, Charlie and Patrick McGuinness, Editors. Gravity and Grace. Essays for Roger Pearson. Cambridge: Legenda Books, 2019. viii + 231pp.
Manzini, Francesco. Critical Lives: Stendhal. London: Reaktion Books, 2019. 205pp.
Marie, Laurence. Inventer l’acteur. Émotions et spectacle dans l’Europe des Lumières. Paris: SUP, 2019. 477pp.
Paliyenko, Adrianna M. Genius Envy. Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801–1900. University Park: Penn State UP, 2019. x + 352pp.
Reichman, Amos. Jacques Schiffrin. A Publisher in Exile from Pléiade to Pantheon. New York: Columbia UP, 2019. xvii + 220pp.
Schmid, Marion and Emma Wilson, Editors. Chantal Akerman. Afterlives. Cambridge: Legenda Books, 2019. xiii + 169pp.
Taylor, Craig. A Virtuous Knight. Defending Marshal Boucicaut (Jean II Le Meingre, 1366– 1421). York: York Medieval Press, 2019. 203pp.
Thomas, Jean-Jacques. Oulipo: Chroniques des années héroïques (1978–2018). New Orleans: PU du Nouveau Monde, 2018. 510pp.
Thomas, Jean-Jacques. Perec en Amérique. La traversée identitaire. Brussels: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2019.172pp.
Usher, Philip John. Exterranean: Extraction in the Humanist Anthropocene. New York: Fordham UP, 2019. 207pp.
Warner, Tobias. Decolonizing Literary Modernity in Senegal. The Tongue-tied Imagination. New York: Fordham UP, 2019. ix + 342pp.

