In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:
  • The Rhetoric of Certitude: C. S. Lewis’s Nonfiction Prose by Gary L. Tandy
  • Gayne John Anacker
The Rhetoric of Certitude: C. S. Lewis’s Nonfiction Prose. By Gary L. Tandy. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2009. ISBN 798-0-78338-973-0. Pp. xiii + 135. $39.95.
Gayne John Anacker
California Baptist University


Como, James. Branches to Heaven: The Geniuses of C. S. Lewis. Dallas: Spence, 1998.
Cunningham, Richard. C. S. Lewis: Defender of the Faith. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1967.
Walsh, Chad. The Literary Legacy of C. S. Lewis. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovaovich, 1979.
Weathers, Winston. “The Rhetoric of Certitude” Southern Humanities Review 2 (Spring 1968): 213-22.

