In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Allen, William S. Blanchot and the Outside of Literature. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. xiii + 217pp.
Baillargeon, Mercédès. Le Personnel est politique. Médias, esthétique et politique de l’auto-fiction chez Christine Angot, Chloé Delaume et Nelly Arcan. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2019. xii + 206pp.
Barton, Nimisha & Richard S. Hopkins, Eds. Practiced Citizenship: Women, Gender, and the State in Modern France. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2019. xv + 295pp.
Berrong, Richard M. Pierre Loti. Chicago: London: Reaktion Books, 2018. 216pp.
Beasley, Faith E. Versailles Meets the Taj Mahal: François Bernier, Marguerite de La Sablière and Enlightening Conversations in Seventeenth-Century France. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2018. xiii + 349pp.
Bray, Patrick M. The Price of Literature: The French Novel’s Theoretical Turn. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 2019. xiii + 147pp.
Côté, Sébastien. L’Ethnologie détournée. Carl Einstein, Michel Leiris et la revue des Documents. Paris: Garnier, 2019. 304pp.
Fantasia, Rick. French Gastronomy and the Magic of Americanism. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2018. xiv + 220pp.
ffrench, Patrick. Thinking Cinema with Proust. Cambridge, UK: Legenda, 2018. x + 207pp.
Ghillebaert, Françoise & Madeleine Vala, Eds. Water Imagery in George Sand’s Work. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. xxx + 318pp.
Goeury, Julien & Thomas Hunkeler. Anatomie d’une anatomie. Nouvelles recherches sur les blasons anatomiques du corps féminin. Geneva: Droz, 2018. 741pp.
Greenwald, Lisa. Daughters of 1968: Redefining French Feminism and the Women’s Liberation Movement. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2018. xii + 403pp.
Guermès, Sophie, Ed. Éditer et relire la correspondance de Zola. Rennes : PUR, 2018. 231pp.
Holmes, Diana. Middlebrow Matters: Women’s Reading and the Literary Canon in France since the Belle Époque. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2018. vii + 244pp.
James, Ian. The Technique of Thought: Nancy, Laruelle, Malabou and Steigler after Naturalism. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2019. xii + 247pp.
Kim, Annabel L. Unbecoming Language: Anti-Identitarian French Feminist Fictions. Columus: The Ohio State UP, 2018. viii + 263pp.
Marie, Laurence. Inventer l’acteur. Émotions et spectacle dans l’Europe des Lumières. Paris: Sorbonne UP, 2019. 477pp.
Miller, Christopher L. Impostors: Literary Hoaxes and Cultural Authenticity. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2018. 240pp.
Pensom, Roger. Accent, Rhythm and Meaning in French Verse. Cambridge, UK: Legenda, 2018. ix + 167pp.
Prince, Gerald. Guide du roman de langue française (1951–2000). Paris: Vérone éditions, 2019. 589pp.
Robert, Yann. Dramatic Justice: Trial by Theater in the Age of the French Revolution. Philadelphia: Penn Press, 2018. 331pp.
Sobanet, Andrew. Generation Stalin: French Writers, the Fatherland and the Cult of Personality. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2018. xi + 296pp.
Singer, Julie. Representing Mental Illness in Late Medieval France: Machines, Madness, Metaphor. Cambridge, UK: D.S. Brewer, 2018. x + 360pp.
Tarnowski, Andrea, Ed. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Christine de Pizan. New York: Modern Languages Association, 2018. viii + 272pp.
Touya de Marenne, Éric. Simone de Beauvoir. Le combat au féminin. Paris: PUF, 2019. 128pp.

