In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature


General and Miscellaneous

Gehalt und Gestalt des christlichen Martyriums im 20./21. Jahrhundert—Eine historisch-theologische Erörterung. Helmut Moll. Forum Katholische Theologie, 34 (4, 2018), 241–61.
Il Consiglio Ecumenico delle Chiese: storia dello sviluppo e dell’evoluzione delle idee. Giovanni Cereti. Studi Ecumenici, XXXVI (Jan.–June, 2018), 33–48.
La Chiesa ortodossa: partecipazione e contributo al Consiglio Ecumenico delle Chiese a settant’anni dalla sua fondazione. Speranze per l’unità e problem-atiche per il futuro. Gennadios di Sassima. Studi Ecumenici, XXXVI (Jan.–June, 2018), 101–13.
Style in Substance: Origins of John W. O’Malley’s Contribution to the Interpretation of Vatican II. Catherine E. Clifford. Theological Studies, 79 (Dec., 2018), 745–60.
A New Political Pacifism: Churches in the Wake of the Great War. William R. Marty. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 30 (1/2, 2018), 63–77.
Kirche zwischen den Zeiten. Ein theologischer Rückblick auf das Jahr 1968. Peter Neuner. Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift, 69 (3, 2018), 266–78.
Les Fêtes des Martyrs dans les livres issus de la réforme liturgique de Vatican II: Théologie du martyre. Philippe Beitia. Ephemerides Liturgicae, CXXXII (July–Sept., 2018), 257–79.
The Advent and Christmastides Orations of the Missale Parisiense 1481–1738. Anthony Ward. Ephemerides Liturgicae, CXXXII (July–Sept., 2018), 280–346.
Paolo VI, il papa del Concilio e della riforma nella comunione sei Santi. Maurizio Barba. Ephemerides Liturgicae, CXXXII (Oct.–Dec., 2018), 387–94.
Les Mémoires liturgiques des martyrs inscrites au Calendrier romain générale entre 1979 et 1995. Philippe Beitia. Ephemerides Liturgicae, CXXXII (Oct.–Dec., 2018), 395–435.
The Octave of Corpus Christi in the Cluniac Missal from 1493 Onwards. Anthony Ward. Ephemerides Liturgicae, CXXXII (Oct.–Dec., 2018), 448–92.
La biblioteca del monasterio de Montserrat de Madrid: procedencia del fondo antiguo. Miguel C. Vivancos. Studia Monastica, 60 (1, 2018), 181–200.
La recherche cistercienne en France (1991–2015). Benoît Chauvin. Revue d’histoire de l’Église de France, 104 (Jan.–June, 2018), 117–40.


Les peintures murales de la domus ecclesiae de Doura Europos: le premier cycle narratif chrétien. Emanuela Fogliadini. Revue des sciences religieuses, 92 (Oct.–Dec., 2018), 451–97.
San Martino di Tours di Fronte a un Culto Contaminato. Per una nuova interpretazione del capitolo 11 della biografia sulpiciana. Fabio Ruggiero. Rivista Liturgica, 105 (4, 2018), 79–95.
Gélase de Césarée. Un historien ecclésiastique du IVe siècle. Martin Wallraff. Revue des sciences religieuses, 92 (Oct.–Dec., 2018), 499–519.
Damasus and the derelict relics. Nicola Denzey Lewis. Early Medieval Europe, 26 (Nov., 2018), 417–39.
An Iconic Odd Couple: The Hagiographic Rehabilitation of Epiphanius and John Chrysostom. Young Richard Kim. Church History, 87 (Dec., 2018), 981–1002.
A Swarm from the Blessed Hive: The Social Networks of the Jura Monasteries. Yaniv Fox. Revue Bénédictine, 128 (Dec., 2018), 252–80
Retracing the ‘Art of Arts and Science of Sciences’ from Gregory the Great to Philo of Alexandria. Andrew Hofer, O.P., and Alan Piper, O.P. Journal of the History of Ideas, 79 (Oct., 2018), 507–26.


Occa of Hexham through the eyes of the Venerable Bede. Paull Hilliard. Early Medieval Europe, 26 (Nov., 2018), 440–61.
Die “Pippinische Schenkung”: Neue Lösungsansätze für ein altes Problem. Sebastian Scholz. Historische Zeitschrift, 301 (Dec., 2018), 635–54.
Les évêques carolingiens, fideles regis et prelati: autour du cas “lorrain” (816–vers 925). Michèle Gaillard. Revue d’histoire de l’Église de France, 104 (Jan.–June, 2018), 5–32.
Die Karolinger und das Kanonikerstift am Großmünster in Zürich. Martin Gabathuler and Maria Wittmer-Butsch. Francia, 45 (2018), 1–26.
Hrabanus Maurus’ De institutione clericorum: Teaching, Theology, Liturgy and Liberal Arts in Carolingian Germany. Ana B. Sánchez-Prieto. Studia Monastica, 60 (1, 2018), 27–62.
Pseudo-Isidore’s Ennodius. Eric Knibbs. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 74 (1, 2018), 1–52.
Aristocratic Exploitation of Ecclesiastical Property in the Ninth Century. The Case of the villa Gendt. Erik Goosmann. Francia, 45 (2018), 27–59.
Ein faszinierender Einblick in die Frühphase christlich-islamischer Begegnungen. Bišr...

