In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Albert, Caterina. Silent Souls and Other Stories. The Modern Language Association of America, 2018, xxxiii + 154 pp.
Arias de la Canal, Fredo. Antología del soneto oral-traumático, cósmico, tanático y erótico de Teresa Fonseca Oropeza. Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2018, 44 pp.
———. Cicerón, Horacio y Epicteto. Fuente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2018, 43 pp.
———. Heráclito y Platón. Fuente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2018, 26 pp.
Bearden, Elizabeth B. Monstrous Kinds: Body, Space and Narrative in Renaissance Repre- sentations of Disability. U of Michigan P, 2019, xii + 234 pp.
Bellotto, Tony. Bellini and the Sphinx. Akashic, 2019, 270 pp.
Branch, Jerome. See Morgenstern, Scott.
Brioso, César. Last Seasons in Havana: The Castro Revolution and the End of Professional Baseball in Cuba. U of Nebraska P, 2019, xv + 235 pp.
Castro, J. Justin. Apostle of Progress: Modesto C. Rolland, Global Progressivism, and the Engineering of Revolutionary Mexico. U of Nebraska P, 2019, xii + 246 pp.
Coletta, Michael. Civilization and "Latinidad" in Spanish America, 1880–1920. Liverpool UP, 2018, ix + 151pp.
Cortínez, Verónica. Fértil provincia y señalada: Raúl Ruiz y el campo del cine chileno. Cuarto Propio, 2018, 244 pp.
Daly, Tara. Beyond Human: Vital Materialisms in the Andean Avant-Gardes. Bucknell UP, 2019, xi + 171pp.
Díaz Balsera, Vivian. Guardians of Idolatry: Gods, Demons, and Priests in Hernando Ruiz de Alarcón's Treatise on the Heathen Superstitions. U of Oklahoma P, 2018, xi + 144 pp.
Durán, Victorina. Mi vida, vol. 1: Sucedió. Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 2018, 336 pp.
———. Mi vida, vol. 2: El rastro: vida de lo inanimado. Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 2018, 187.
———. Mi vida, vol. 3: Así es. Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 2018, 272 pp.
Fernández, Esther. See Olid Guerrero, Eduardo.
Fox, Dian. Hercules and the King of Portugal: Icons of Masculinity and Nation in Calderón's Spain. U of Nebraska P, 2019, xii + 218 pp.
Franco, Dean J. The Border and the Line: Race, Literature, and Los Angeles. Stanford UP, 2019, ix + 171 pp.
García, Elizabeth. Healing Memories: Puerto Rican Women's Literature in the United States. U of Pittsburg P, 2018, ix + 139 pp.
García Soormally, Mina. Idolatry and the Construction of the Spanish Empire. UP of Colorado, 2018, xvii + 167 pp.
González-Allende, Iker. Hombres en movimiento: masculinidades españolas en los exilios y emigraciones, 1939–1999. Purdue UP, 2018, xi + 254 pp.
Graf, Eric Clifford. De reyes a lobos: seis ensayos sobre Cervantes. Juan de la Cuesta, 2019, 133 pp.
Gretter, Sarah. Disrupting Reality: Cervantes, Jealousy, and Narrative Innovation. Juan de la Cuesta, 2018, 113 pp.
Guzman, R. Andrés. Universal Citizenship: Latina/o Studies at the Limits of Identity. U of Texas P, 2019, ix + 192 pp.
Henssel, Stephen, editor. Metacritical Cervantes. Juan de la Cuesta, 2018, 240 pp.
Lima, Robert. Across the Spectrum: Hispanic Cultural Heritage. Juan de la Cuesta, 2019, 278 pp.
López-Prada, Esperanza. El botón de seda negra: traducción religiosa y cultural en las Indias. Iberoamericana, 2018, 374 pp.
Meléndez, Edgardo. Sponsored Migration: The State and Puerto Rican Postwar Migration to the United States. The Ohio State UP, 2017, xiii + 213 pp.
Moncada, Fidalgo Fidel. Los cuervos no vuelan en la tormenta. Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2018, 84 pp.
Morgenstern, Scott, Jorge Pérez-López, and Jerome Branch, editors. Paths for Cuba: Reforming Communism in Comparative Prospective. U of Pittsburg P, 2018, 384 pp.
Mukasonga, Scholastique. The Barefoot Woman. Translated by Jordan Stump, Archipelago, 2018, 146 pp.
Murray, N. Michelle. Home Away from Home: Immigrant Narratives, Domesticity, and Coloniality in Contemporary Spanish Culture. U of North Carolina P, 2018, 212 pp.
Nelson, Benjamin J. See Weimer, Christopher B.
Olid Guerrero, Eduardo, and Esther Fernández, editors. The Image of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Spain. U of Nebraska P, 2019, xvii + 361pp.
Pérez-López, Jorge. See Morgenstern, Scott.
Rubio Jiménez, Jesús, and Enrique Serrano Ansejo, editors. El retrato literario en el mundo hispánico. PU de Zaragoza, 2018, 412 pp.
Serrano Ansejo, Enrique. See Rubio Jiménez, Jesús...

