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  • Contributors

DAVID CARNEGIE is Emeritus Professor of Theater at Victoria University of Wellington, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. His most recent book (edited with Gary Taylor) is The Quest for Cardenio: Shakepeare, Fletcher, Cervantes, and the Lost Play. Forthcoming from Cambridge University Press is volume 4 of The Works of John Webster, coedited with David Gunby and MacDonald P. Jackson.

LOUISE GEDDES is Associate Professor of English at Adelphi University. She is the author of Appropriating Shakespeare: A Cultural History of Pyramus and Thisbe and the coeditor of The Shakespeare User: Critical and Creative Appropriation in a Networked Culture. She has published essays in Shakespeare, Shakespeare Survey, and Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England.

PHEBE JENSEN is Professor of English at Utah State University. The author of Religion and Revelry in Shakespeare's Festive World as well as essays on popular religious culture, festivity, calendars, and Catholicism, she is currently completing a handbook, The Early Modern English Calendar (forthcoming from Routledge). She is also at work on a new book project on astrology in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English culture.

LAURY MAGNUS is Professor of English at the US Merchant Marine Academy. Her books include a monograph on the poetics of repetition in modern poetry; Who Hears in Shakespeare? Auditory Worlds on Stage and Screen (coedited); and the New Kittredge editions of Romeo and Juliet, Measure for Measure, The Comedy of Errors, and The Taming of the Shrew. She is a member of the editorial team of and the forthcoming New Variorum "Hamlet."

NEDDA MEHDIZADEH is Full-Time Lecturer in Writing Programs at the University of California, Los Angeles. She received her MA/PhD in English Language and Literature from The George Washington University in 2013. Her current book project, tentatively titled Translating Ancient Persia in Early Modern English Writing argues that the "Englyshing" of biblical and classical narratives about ancient Persia shaped England's desires regarding transnational exploration in the early modern period. The complex transnational encounters that unfolded between Persia's Safavid natives and their English visitors expose a more dynamic system of exchange in the early modern period that challenges limiting binaries of East and West.

NOÉMIE NDIAYE is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Carnegie Mellon University. She holds a PhD in Theater from Columbia University. She works on early modern European theater, with a primary focus on performances of race and gender. She has published essays in Renaissance Drama and Early Theatre, with essays forthcoming in The Companion to Theatre and Performance Historiography (Routledge), The Cultural History of Race in the Reformation and Enlightenment, 1550–1760 (Bloomsbury Press), and Transnational Networks in Early Modern Drama (Manchester University Press). She is currently at work on her first monograph.

ED PECHTER is Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Concordia University (Montreal) and Adjunct Professor of English, University of Victoria (British Columbia). His updated Norton Critical edition of Othello was published in 2017.


