

The article analyzes the abuse and misuse of the term "Israel lobby". Although there are a number of pro-Israel pacs, which may make the term redundant, while some urge the United States to be more assertive in influencing Israel to make substantial concessions to further the peace process, none question the extent of U.S. aid to Israel. No other ethnic American lobby has been so vilified as has the "Israel lobby", personified by AIPAC, the largest and most effective pac, castigated as the embodiment of a cabal that has distorted and hijacked U.S. Administrations' policies detrimental to American interests and to a peaceful resolution to the Israel/Arab/Palestinian conflict. Many of Israel's detractors take umbrage at the Israel Lobby's phenomenal success in securing U.S. support for Israel, which they also denigrate to delegitimize Israel's very existence.

