

This article presents the background, content, and findings of Chicana/o Activism in the Southern Plains through Time and Space, a digital history project displayed at PlainsMovement.com. The project features an interactive map and timeline along with a collection of materials that detail the Chicana/o Movement in the southern Great Plains. The interactive map and timeline demonstrate when and why the Chicana/o Movement emerged in the Southern Plains. The earliest events that are clearly part of the movement were student-led and aimed at attaining educational equity. However, the digital history project reveals that instances of police brutality were the principal events that spurred the Plains Chicana/o Movement. Overall, the project shows that the Southern Plains were home to a burgeoning wing of the Chicana/o Movement. Moreover, the region's portion of the Chicana/o Movement elucidates how it emerged across the country, forming a national social justice movement.
