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  • Obituary
  • Anthony Grubbs

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Dr. Nancy F. Marino passed away on March 11, 2018, after a brief yet fierce battle with cancer. She was an exemplary scholar, distinguished professor, and cherished friend. Nancy's influence on Iberian Studies is longstanding and far-reaching. She authored nine books, served as guest editor in numerous academic journals, including Calíope in 2014, published over forty articles, and gave numerous invited lectures and professional papers during her illustrious forty-four-year career. Her wide-ranging areas of expertise included courtly poetry in late Medieval Castile; dress, imagery, and material culture in the Court of Isabel I; and the history and reception of Jorge Manrique's Coplas por la muerte de su padre, to name a few. Nancy's last book, El cancionero de la corte de Carlos V (y su autor, Luis de Ávila y Zuñiga), will be published posthumously in 2018.

Nancy was more than a renowned scholar; she was also a consummate teacher. Thousands of students had the privilege of learning from her during a teaching career that began at Indiana University, continued at the University of Houston, and finished at Michigan State University, where [End Page 157] she was bestowed the title of Distinguished Professor, an honor awarded only to MSU's best faculty. This month, Nancy was awarded the 2018 Paul Varg Alumni Award for Faculty that recognizes her consistent commitment to excellence in teaching. Nancy never stopped developing new courses. Her students consistently comment on her profound knowledge, which was only equaled by her infectious passion for learning and teaching. As a colleague, Nancy was extremely generous with her time. She served on numerous editorial boards, directed study abroad programs, took on various administrative positions, developed grants, and mentored junior colleagues and graduate students. Indeed, Nancy stands out as one of the most dignified, gracious, and generous people in academia. Her legacy will not be soon forgotten. Nancy is survived by her husband, Frank McBath. [End Page 158]

Anthony Grubbs
Michigan State University

