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  • Index


Abramovitch, Rafael 109, 394

Abramovitsh, Sholem (Mendele Moykher Sforim) 92

Adamczewski, Piotr 496

Agnon, S. Y. 334

Agudas Achim 78, 87

Agudat Hayere'im 275

Agudat Yisra'el (Agudas Yisroel) 36, 138, 256, 263, 273–7, 296,337

Agursky, Shmuel 119

Aizman, David 321

Ajzensztejn, Sara 197, 202–4, 207, 210–16

alcohol trade, role of Jews in 26

Aldanova, Mark 321

Aleichem, Sholem (Solomon Rabinovich) 322

Aleksandrov, Hillel 118

Aleksiun, Natalia 153

Alexander I, Tsar, and the Jews 27

Alexander III, Tsar, and the Jews 73

Allerhand, Maurycy 153, 156,164–5

Alliance of the Democratic Left (Sojusz Lewic

Demokratycznej; SLD) 436

Alliance Israélite Universelle 34

almshouse, see hekdesh Alter, Victor 124

Altshuler, Mordechai 276

amulets 211

Anielewicz, Mordechai 329

Ankori, Zvi 406

An-sky, S. Y. 94–5, 320

anti-antisemitism 427–32, 435,438–41, 443–8


and age 430–1, 446–7

and the Bund 138

and the Catholic Church 181

and conversion 150

and criticism of Israel 489–91

definition 426

and deviancy 93

and educational level 427, 433–4, 447–8

and estimate of number of Jews in Poland 450–2

German 92

hasidic position on 294

ideological 491

Nazi 237

opposition to 332; see also anti-antisemitism

and place of residence 434–5, 443–5

Polish 133, 152,179, 181–8, 189–91, 276, 340–1, 347,410, 425–92

and political sympathies 436–7

and psychological attitudes 437–8

and rejection of other groups 438–44

and religiosity 430–3, 445–7

Russian 23, 34,66, 73,321, 323

seen as a problem 472–4

Soviet 226

and standard of living 435

Ukrainian 112, 442–8

and white slave trade 102

without Jews 491–2

anti-Zionism 257

Appel, Judah Leib 31–2

Arbeter Ring 36–7

Arendt, Hannah 231, 491–2

Arnold, Stanisław 205–6

art, Jewish 157–75

Aschheim, Steven 92

Ashkenazi, V. 70n.52

Askenazy, Szymon 6, 53, 142,145–6

Assad, Talal 286

Assaf, David 280–2, 291

assimilation, Jewish 48, 66, 69, 78, 131, 142, 145, 152, 163, 294

Association of the Friends of Hebrew University 204

Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland (Stowarzyszenie Żydowski Instytut Historyczny; SŻIH) 224–7, 329,342–3

Auerbach, Karen 303

Auerbach, Marian 153, 156

Auerbach, Rachel 223

Auschwitz concentration and death camp 419–22

Awin, Józef 167

Axelrod, Pavel 131


Ba'al Shem Tov, Israel (Besht) 58, 282, 290–1, 337 [End Page 511]

Babel, Isaac 321–2

'baby-farming' 102

Bacon, Gershon 261, 272, 277, 296

Bagritsky, Eduard 321

Bagrov, Grigory 323

Bałaban, Majer 6, 9–10, 53, 56, 58–9, 72, 78, 96–7, 143–8, 152, 154, 158, 171–2, 175, 206–8

Bałabanówna, Aleksandra 149

Baler, Bezalel 38

Baranovichi, Jewish community in 30

Bar-Itzhak, Haya 171

Baron, Salo 227

Bartal, Israel 5, 271, 273, 278, 280, 282–3, 311–13, 316

Bartoszewski, Władysław 343

Bartov, Omer 243

Barzilay Zvi 125

Bauer, Otto 134

Bauer, Yehuda 232–7, 501–2

BBWR, see Nonpartisan Bloc for Co-operation with the Government

Be'er-Marx, Roni 271, 273–4

beggars, Jewish 91–3, 95–7, 99,101

Beider, Alexander 306

Beilis, Mendel, trial 73

Beit Ya'akov (Beys Yankev) schools 278, 308, 314, 316

Belarus, Jews in 110–16

Belarusian State University 110

Bełżec death camp 419–20

Bemporad, Elissa 127

Ben-Ami (Mark (Mordechai) Rabinovich) 72, 324

Ben-David, Joseph 264, 278

Bentham, Jeremy 29

Ber Mark, Bernard 224

Berek Joselewicz Scouting Society 163

Bergmann, Werner 425–6

Bergmann, Yehuda 99

Berlin, Moses 62, 91

Berman, Jakub 346

Bernard Goldman Association of Community Schools 163

Bernfeld, Isaac 5–6, 50–1, 77–81, 84–6

Bernfeld, Simon 77

Bernstein, Laurie 102

Bershadsky, Sergey 7, 48–9, 65–6

Bersohn, Mathias 5

Better, Antonina 155

Beys Yankev schools, see Beit Ya'akov

Bezpartyjny Blok Współpracy z Rządem (BBWR), see Nonpartisan Bloc for Co-operation with the Government Biale, David 302

Bialik, Hayim Nahman 355


ghetto 219

reminiscences of Simon Rawidowicz 356–401

Biderman, Israel M. 207

Biegeleisen, Henryk 154

Bielatowicz, Jan 406

Bierut, Bolesław 495

Blatman, Daniel 125...

