In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Erratum:Transportation Journal 56.4, 2017

The article "Advocating C in Supply Chain Research: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda" by Matthew A. Schwieterman, Thomas J. Goldsby and A. Michael Knemeyer was published in Transportation Journal 56.4. Corrections requested by the authors to the proof copy did not get incorporated in the final copy. The editors and the press regret this oversight.

Corrections to the title

Advocating Customer and Supplier Portfolios in Supply Chain Research: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda

Corrections to the text

Page 429: Author names should have included their middle initial: Matthew A. Schwieterman and Thomas J. Goldsby.

Page 429, Abstract, line 1: "chain" should be plural.

Page 433, line 9: citation for "Zin and Liu 2001, 2008" should have been "Zinn and Liu 2001, 2008"

Page 435, Table 2: The correct listing of journals is: Academy of Management Journal (as shown); followed by Academy of Management Review (incorrectly listed as Academy of Management Journal).

Page 437, Table 3: The Lavie 2006 work should have been attributed to the Academy of Management Review (incorrectly listed under the Academy of Management Journal).

Page 448: Table 4 has been updated to include bullet points for legibility.

Page 449: Lambert 2009 should be added to the citation for Ryals 2005.

Page 449, line 6 from bottom: "initial investments" should have been "early investments."

Page 453, Supplier Portfolios, line 9: "the portfolio" should have been "their portfolios."

Page 454, Customer Portfolios, line 4: "supplies" should have been "suppliers."

Page 456: In the sentence, "Joint dependence will be greater in portfolios that have a smaller number of large suppliers and customers, as each [End Page vii] trading partner will be a larger portion of the business of the focal firm (and similarly the focal firm will be a larger portion of each partner's business)" the word "large" should have been removed and "larger portion" should have been "major portion."

Page 457, Theme 2: Portfolio Composition, line 1: the phrase "in the results section" and should have been removed.

Page 457, line 5 from bottom: the phrase "or less" should have been removed.

Page 458, line 8: the words "a firm" should have been replaced with "firms."

Page 459, lines 14–15: commas should have been included around the phrase "will instead."

Page 459, line 20: the words "low relative" should have been removed, and the word "with" should have been replaced with "upon."

Page 462, Dependent Variables, line 10: the word "reliance" should be added so it reads "risk and reliance."

Page 462, last line: the words "such as" should have been "found in" and "analysis" should instead read "analyses."

Page 463, line 18: the word "other" should have read "these."

Page 465, line 3: the word "are" should have been "is."

Page 466: Under the Notes section, the following acknowledgment should have been included: The authors would like to acknowledge Abhinav Hasija for his assistance in this research.

Page 466, footnote 2, line 1: the word "this" should have been "these" and the word "was" should have been "were." [End Page viii]


