In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Editors Note As editors of the Cmadi,m Review ol Americ,111 Studies, we nrc pleased to announce that Dr. Janet Mancini Billson, Department of Sociology, George Washington University, has agreed to serve as an nssociate editor for the journal. Dr. Billson has been at George Washington University since 1993. She served as assistant executive officer; and director of al'adcmic and professional affairs program for the American Sociologic,11 Association from 1991-95. Her areas of research include identity formation and gang behaviour among African-American male adolescentsj native immigrants, and minority communities in Canada; social change, marginality, and identity theory. Recent publications include Keepers ol the Culture: The I'o1ver o( Tradition in Women's Lives (1995) and Cool Prose: Dilemmi1so( Bl,ICk Manhood i11 America (1992). At this point in time, we would also like to thank Dr. Harry Hiller, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, for serving so ably i:lS an associate editor for the last five years, and welcome him as a member of the editorial board. We hope you will find the articles within stimulating and noteworthy. As always, we welcome comments, criticisms, and open discussion from our readers. C.B. S.J.R. Vll ...

