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  • Contributors

Rosaria Caldarone is associate professor at the University of Palermo, Italy. She studied in Palermo and Paris (Paris IV Sorbonne, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales). Her work, which has a hermeneuticaldeconstructive approach, concerns Greek metaphysics and the return to the latter in contemporary philosophy, especially French (Lévinas, Derrida, Nancy, Marion). At the heart of her philosophical work is Eros as a key to issues of identity and subjectivity. In her studies, particular attention has been paid to the phenomenological perspective of Jean-Luc Marion, and she has translated numerous texts by him. In addition to numerous papers on Plato, Aristotle, Nancy, Marion, Derrida, Heidegger, Pascal, Henry, Hegel and Lévinas, published in Italian, English, and French, she is the author of the following volumes: Eros decostruttore. Metafisica e desiderio in Aristotele (Il Melangolo, 2001); Jean-Luc Marion Etant donné. Essai d'une phénoménologie de la donation (PUF, 1997); Traduzione italiana di Rosaria Caldarone, Dato che. Saggio per una fenomenologia della donazione (SEI, 2001); Caecus Amor. Jean-Luc Marion e la dismisura del fenomeno (ETS, 2007); Impianti. Tecnica e scelta di vita (Mimesis, 2011); and Lo scambio di figura. Tre saggi sulla somiglianza e sulla differenza (Inschibboleth, 2015). [End Page 183]

Danielle Cohen-Levinas is a philosopher and a musicologist. She is professor at the University Sorbonne-Paris and head of the Collège des études juives et de philosophie contemporaine—Centre Emmanuel Levinas. She is a researcher-associate at the Husserl Archives of Paris/École Normale Supérieure on Ulm Street. She is a specialist in Jewish philosophy (H. Cohen,F. Rosenzweig, G. Scholem, L. Strauss) and in Frankfort School (Adorno, Benjamin, Bloch). She also worked on biblical and Talmudic studies in Europe from a philosophical point of view. She is Editorial Advisor at Editions Hermann, directs the collection Le Bel Aujourd'hui, and codirects (with Monique Antelme and Mike Holland) the Cahiers Maurice Blanchot. She recently published L'Opéra et son double (Vrin, 2013) and Inventions à deux voix, Interviews with Jean-Luc Nancy (Le Felin, 2015).

D. J. S. Cross is a postdoctoral researcher in the Instituto de Filosofía at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santiago, Chile. His current research centers on the question of style and philosophy, especially contemporary French philosophy.

Juan Manuel Garrido is professor of philosophy at Alberto Hurtado University in Santiago, Chile. He works on modern philosophy (especially Kantian) and contemporary philosophy (especially Neo-Kantianism, phenomenology, deconstruction). His publications include a study on pure sensibility in Kant (La formation des formes, Galilée, 2008), a collection of essays on Jean-Luc Nancy (Chances de la pensée—À partir de Jean-Luc Nancy), and an essay on the concept of "living being" (On Time, Being and Hunger: Challenging the Traditional Way of Thinking Life, Fordham University Press, 2012).

Mario Ariel González Porta is a full professor at the Philosophy Department at Pontifical University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He received a PhD in philosophy from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany (1989), with a thesis on Neo-Kantism, chosen by Kant-Studien as "Ergänzungsheft" of 1990, and a postdoctoral on Cassirer (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-Nachwuchsförderungsprogramm): 1989–92. He was a visiting fellow in Germany (Münster) 1995 and (Frankfurt) 2011–12, and Austria (Graz) 2010–11. He has published four books: Transzendentaler Objektivismus (Peter Lang, [End Page 184] 1990); A filosofia a partir de seus problemas (Loyola, 2002, 4th ed., 2014); Estudos Neokantianos (Loyola, 2011); and Edmund Husserl: psicologismo, psicologia e fenomenologia (Loyola, 2013), in addition to several papers published in national and international journals. He has organized the collection A Escola de Brentano (Loyola, 2014), also contributing three chapters. He is a member of the Internationale Cassirer Gesellschaft, of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophie, of Sociedade Kant Brasileira, of Sociedade luso-brasileira de fenomenologia, and of Grupo de Trabalho de Fenomenologia of the Associação nacional de pós Graduação. He is the leader of the research group Origens da filosofia contemporânea (Conselho Nacional de pesquisa—Brazil), whose theme constitutes his field...
