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New Books 1. Administration and Policy Palda, Kristian S. Industrial Innovation: Its Place in the Public Policy Agenda. Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, 1984. 21 lp. Paper $9.95. 2. Anthropology Jabbra, Nancy W., and Joseph G. Jabbra. Voyageurs to a Rocky Shore: The Lebanese and Syrians ofNova &otia. Halifax: Institute of Public Affairs, 1985. 177p. Paper $15.00. Janes, Robert R. Archaeological Ethno· graphy Among Mackenzie Basin Dene, Canada. Technical Paper No. 28. Calgary: The Arctic Institute of North America, 1983. 124p. 4. Culture and the Arts John Grierson and the NFB. John Grierson Project, McGill University. Toronto: ECW Press, 1984. 171p. McGill, Jean S. EdmundMorris: Frontier Artist. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1984. 208p. Cloth $19.95; paper $9.95. 5. Economics and Business Bellan, B.C. Principles ofEconomics and the Canadian Economy. 7th edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1985. 616p. Cloth $29.95. Brown, Barbara E., Canadian Business and Economics: A Guide to Sources of Information. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1984. 469p. Cloth $90.00. Brown, Malcolm C. Established Program Financing: Evolution or Regression in Canadian Fiscal Federalism? Research Monograph No. 38. Canberra, Aus.: Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations, 1984. 108p. Paper $9.25 (Australian). Chaussade, Jean. La Peche et lespecheurs des provinces maritimes du Canada. Montreat: Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreat, 1983. 303p. Paper $28.00. MacDonald, Brian, ed. Guns and Butter: Defence and the Canadian Economy. Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies. 181p. Purden, Christine, ed. Selected Income Tax Aspectsofthe Purchase and Sale of a Business. Proceedings of the Corporate Management Tax Con170 ference, 1984. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 1984. 347p. Paper $35.00. Radebaugh, Lee H., and Earl H. Fry, eds. Canada/US Trade Relations: Problems and Prospects. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1985. 116p. Paper $15.00($12.00 in US). Ward, E. Neville, with Susan J. ReidSen . Foreign Ownership of Land and Real Estate in Canada. Working Paper No. 30. Ottawa: Ministry of Supply and Services, 1984. 58p. 6. Education Campbell, Duncan D. The New Majority: Adult Learners in the University. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1984. 146p. Cloth $15.00; Paper $9.95 ($11.50 and $6.50 in US). Laine, Edward W., ed. &andinavianCanadian Studies. Ottawa: Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada, 1983. 172p. 7. Environmental and Resource Studies Barr, B.M., and P.J. Smith, eds. Environment and Economy: Essays on the Human Geography of Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1984. 180p. Paper $15.00. Olson, Rod, Frank Geddes, and Ross Hastings, eds. Northern Ecology and Resource Management. Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, 1984. 438p. Cloth $30.00 ($22.50 in US). 9. History Beer, Donald R. Sir Allan Napier MacNab. Hamilton, Ont.: Dictionary of Hamilton Biography, 1984. 491p. Choquette, Robert. L 'Eglise catholique dans /'Ontario franc;ais du dixneuvieme siec/e. Ottawa: Editions de l'Universite d'Ottawa, 1985. 365p. Paper $25.00. Dempsey, Hugh A., ed. The CPR West: The Iron Road and the Making ofa Nation. Vancouver: Douglas & Mcintyre, 1984. 333p. Cloth $24.95. Harris, R. Cole, and Elizabeth Phillips, eds. Letters from Windermere, 1912-1914. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1984. 243p. MacEwan, Grant. French in the West/ Les Franco-Canadiens dans /'Quest. St. Boniface, Man.: Editions des Plaines, 1984. 217p. Paper$11.95. Revue d'etudes canadiennes Vol. 20, No. I (Printemps 1985 Spring) Martel, Gilles, ed. Le Gibet de Regina par un homme bien renseigne. St. Boniface, Man.: Les Editions du Ble, 1985. 196p. McDowall, Duncan. Steel at the Sault: Francis H. Clergue, Sir James Dunn, and the Algoma Steel Corporation 1901-1956. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984. 348p. Cloth $35.00. O'Donovan, Joan E. George Grant and the Twilight of Justice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984. 196p. Cloth $30.00; Paper $12.00. Russell, Victor L., ed. Forging A Consensus : Historical Essays on Toronto. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984. 360p. Cloth $30.00; Paper $12.95. Tessier, Yves. Guides Historiques de Quebec. Quebec: La Societe historique de Quebec, 1984. 210p. Paper $10.00. Waite, P.B. The Man From Halifax: Sir John Thompson, Prime Minister. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985. 547p. Cloth $37.50. Wohler, J. Patrick. Charles de Salaberry: Soldier of...

