In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ANNUAL INDEX ANNUEL - VOLUME 24, 1989 AUTHORS/COLLABORATEURS ABBOTT, RUTH K. and R.A. YOUNG. Cynical and Deliberate Manipulation? Child Care andthe Reserve AnnyofFemale Labour in Canada. No. 2: 22-38. ARCHER, KEITH. The Meaning and Demeaning of the National Election Studies. No. 4: 122-40. BRADFIELD, MICHAEL. Canada and the U11i1ed States: Stre11gtheni11g the Ties that Bind (review article). No. 1: 146-55. BRENNER, RACHEL FELDHAY. A.M. Klein a11d Mordecai Rich/er: Cal1Gdia11 Respo11ses to the Holocaust. No. 2: 65-77. BUTT, WILLIAM. Robert Gourlay's Mille1111ial Vision: A Reader's Guide. No. 1: 66-80. . CAMPBELL, ROBERT MALCOLM. 771e Meech Lake Fiasco (editorial). No. 4: 3-4. ____. Post-Mortem on the Free Trade Election (editorial). No. 1: 3-4, 163-65. CARTY, R.K. ls There Political Life After Losing the Race? No. 2: 116-27. COLE, DOUGLAS. The Intellectual a11d /111agi11ative Development of British Columbia. No. 3: 70-79. CUMMING, CARMAN. 171e Toro11/o Daily Mail, Edward Farrer, andthe Question of Canadian-American U11io11. No. I: 121-39. DOTY, C. STEWART. The Intellectual of the Quebec Diaspora: The Case of Henri d'Arles. No. 4: 61-71. DREISZIGER, N.F. Canadian Studies on H1111garia11 Canadians (review article). No. 2: 153-56. ENROS. PHILIP C. The Technical Service Council's Origins: A "Patriotic B71eri111en1" in Selling Engineers. No. 4: 87-106. FINGARD, JUDITH. Ideas 011 the Periphery or Peripheral Ideas? The /ntellec111al and Cultural History of Atlantic Canada. No. 2: 32-43. FRANCIS, R. DOUGLAS. In Search ofa Prairie Myth: A Survey of the /11/ellectual and C11/1ural Historiography of Prairie Canada. No. 3: 44-69. FRENETTE. YVES. Nouvelles perspectives sur le Canada frmu;ais (review article). No. 3: 140-46. GANNAGE, CHARLENE. Changing Dimensions of Co111ro/ and Resistance: The Toro/I/a Gan11e11t Industry. No. 4: 41-60. GAREBIAN. KEITH. Plus <;a change (arts review) . No. 2: 128-35. ____. Raising the To11e: 171e 1989 Shaw Festival (arts review). No. 4: 160-70. 210 HENLEY. KEVIN. 171e lntemationa/ Roots of Economic Natio11alis1 Ideology i11 Canada, 1846-1885. No. 4: 107-21. HIEBERT. JANET. Fair Elecljons and Freedom ofE.xpressio11 Underthe Charter. No. 4: 72-86. KEITH, W.J. Robertson Davies and the Comish Trilogy (review article). No. 1: 140-45. LAFOREST. GUY. Perspective quebecoise sur 1111 manuel d'i111roduc1ion awe etudes canadie1111es (review article). No. 4: 172-77. LAMONDE, YVAN. L71istoire culturel/e et illlellectuel/e du Quebec: 1enda11ces et aspects methodologiques. No. 3: 80-91 . ____. !111roductio11 (Canadian Cultural and Intellectual History issue). No. 3: 3-5. LANNING, ROBERT. Models ofArt, Portraits ofSelf: Culture and the Drawing Courses in Ontario, 1875-1910. No. 2: 52-64. MATTHEWS. R.O. 171e Christian Churches and Human Rights in Ca11adia11 Foreign Policy. No. 1: 5-31. MCCORMICK, PETER. Regionalism in Canada: Disentangli11g the Threads. No. 2: 5-21 . MCGREGOR. GAILE. 171e Mainstreami11g of Postmodemism: A Status Report on the ''New" Scholarship in Canada (review article). No. 3: 146-73. MCKILLOP, A.B. Culture, /11tellect, and Context : Recent Writing on the Cultural and /11tel/ect11al History of Olllario. No. 3: 7-31. MUIRHEAD. BRUCE. Trials and Tribulations: The Decline of A11g/o-Ca11adian Trade, 1945-50. No. 1: 50-65. NEUFELD. JAMES E. Shaping the legacy: 171e Ballet in 1988-89 (arts review). No. 3: 129-39. OWRAM. DOUG. /111ellectual History in the. Landoflimited lde11tities. No. 3: 114-28. PAQUETTE. JERALD. Policy. Power and Pwpose:Lessonsfrom Two/11dia11 Education Scenarios. No. 2: 78-94. PETERMAN. MICHAEL A. Sui Ungenerous (editorial). No. 2: 3-4, 165. RAYSIDE. DAVID M. Small Town Fragmenla1io11 and the Politics ofC0111m1111i(v. No. 1: 103-20. SIDNELL. MICHAELJ. Represellli11g 171ealre: Stratford's 1989 Season (arts review). No. 4: 148-60. SMITH, DAYID E. Partv Mallers (review article). No. 2: 146-53. STEVENS, PETER. laz.z. Canada 1988 (arts review). No. 2: 135-45. Revue detudes canadiennes Vol. 25. No. I (Pri111e111ps 1990 Spring) TIFFIN. SCOTT. and MARY WALLIS. Negative Mvth-Making: Canada s SelfImage and Its Implications for Scientific and Technological Development. No. I: 32-49. TOMBLIN , STEPHEN G. 71ie Pacific Great Eastern Railway and W.A.C. Bennett'.5 Defence ofthe North. No. 4: 29-40. VAN WEST, JOHN J. Ecologicaland Economic Dependence in a Great Lakes CommunityBased Fishery: Fishennen in the Smelt Fisheries ofPort Dover. Ontario. No. 2: 95-115. WALDEN. KEITH. Blue Pete and Canadian Nationalism: Vision and Experience in the Western Novels of William Lacey Amy. No. 2: 39-51. WALLIS, MARY, and SCOTT TIFFIN.Negative Myth-Making: Canadas SelfImage and Its Implications for Scientific and Tec/1110- /ogical Development. No. I: 32-49. WILLIAMS, DAYID. The Confessions of a Self-Made Man: Forms ofAutobiography in Fifth Busi11ess. No. I: 81-102. WISEMAN, NELSON. The National Election Studies Revisited. No. 4: 141-47. WOOLF. D.R. Non-Canadian Intellectual and Cultural Hist01y in Canada: A Survey. 19@/987. No. 3: 92-113. YOUNG. ALAN R. 'We throw the torch': Canadian Memorials ofthe Great War and the Mythology ofHeroic Sacrifice. No. 4: 5-28. YOUNG. R.A. and RUTH K. ABBOTT. Cynical and Deliberate Manipulation? Child Care and the Reserve Anny ofFemale Labour in Canada. No. 2: 22-38. TITLES/ARTICLES A.M. Klein and Mordecai Rich/er: Canadian Responses to the Holocaust. Rachel Feldhay Brenner. No. 2: 65-77. Blue Pete and Canadian Nationalism: Vision and Experience in the Western Novels of William Lacey Amy. Keith Walden. No. 2: 39-51. Canada and the United States: Strengthening the Ties that Bind (review article). Michael Bradfield. No. I: 146-55. Canadian Studies on Hungarian Canadians (review article). N.F. Dreisziger. No. 2: 153-56. Changing Dimensions of Colllrol and Resistance : The Toronto Gannent Industry. Charlene Gannage. No. 4: 41-60. Culture. Intellect, and Context: Rece/lf Writing on the Cultural and lmellectual HisroryofOnrario. A.B. McKillop. No. 3: 7-31. Journal ofCanadian Studies The Christian Churches and Human Rights in Canadian Foreign Policy. R .O . Matthews. No. I: 5-31. The Confessions ofa Self-Made Man: Fonns ofAutobiography i11 Fifth Busi11ess. David Williams. No. I: 81-102. Cynical and Deliberate Manipulation? Child Care and the Reserve Amiy of Female Labour in Canada. Ruth K. Abbott and R.A. Young. No. 2: 22-38. Ecological and Economic Dependence in a Great Lakes Community-Based Fishery: Fishennen in the Smelt Fisheries ofPort Dover. Omario. JohnJ. Van West. No. 2: 95-115. Fair Elections and Freedom of Expression Under the Charter. Janet Hiebert. No. 4: 72-86. L'histoire culture/le et intellectuelle du Quebec: rendances etaspects merhodologiques . Yvan Lamonde. No. 3: 80-91. Ideas on the Periphery or Peripheral Ideas? The Intellectual and Cultural History of Atlalllic Canada. Judith Fingard. No. 3: 32-43. In Search ofa Prairie Myth: A Survey ofthe Intellectual and Cultural Historiography ofPrairie Canada. R. Douglas Francis. No. 3: 44-69. The Intellectualand Imaginative Development ofBritish Columbia. Douglas Cole. No. 3: 70-79. Intellectual History in the Land of Limited Identities. Doug Owram. No. 3: 114-28. The Intellectual ofthe Quebec Diaspora: The Case ofHenri d'Arles. C. Stewart Doty. No. 4: 61-71. The InternationalRoots ofEconomic Nationalist Ideology in Canada, 1846-1885. Kevin Henley. No. 4: 107-21. Introduction (Canadian Cultural and Intellectual History issue). Yvan Lamonde. No. 3: 3-5. ls There Political Life After Losing the Race? R.K. Carty. No. 2: 116-27. Jazz Canada 1988 (arts review). Peter Stevens. No. 2: 135-45. The Mainstreaming of Postmodemism: A Status Report on the "New"Scholarship in Canada (review article). Gaile McGregor. No. 3: 146-73. The Meech Lake Fiasco (editorial). Robert Malcolm Campbell. No. 4: 3-4. The Meaning and Demeaning ofthe National Election Studies. Keith Archer. No. 4: 122-40. The National Election Studies Revisited. Nelson Wiseman. No. 4: 141-47. Models ofArt. Portraits ofSelf: Culture and the Drawing Courses in Omario. 18751910 . Robert Lanning. No. 2: 52-64. 211 Negative Myth-Making: Canada's Seif-Image and Its Implications for Scientific and Technological Development. Scott Tiffin and Mary Wallis. No. 1: 32-49. Non-Canadian Intellectual and Cultural History in Canada: A Survey, 1960-1987. D.R. Woolf. No. 3: 92-113. Nouvelles perspectives sur le Canadafram;ais (review article). Yves Frenette. No. 3: 140-46. 711e Pacific Great Eastern Railway and WA. C. Bennett's Defense ofthe North. Stephen G. Tomblin. No. 4: 29-40. Party Matters (review article). David E. Smith. No. 2: 146-53. Perspective quebecoise surw1 manueld'introduction au.x erudes canadiennes (review article). Guy Laforest. No. 4: 172-77. Plus ~a change (arts review). Keith Garebian. No. 2: 128-35. Policy, Powerand Purpose: Lessonsfrom Two Indian Education Scenarios. Jerald Paquette. No. 2: 78-94. Post-Mortem on the Free Trade Election (editorial). Robert Malcolm Campbell. No. 1: 3-4, 163-65. Raising the Tone: The 1989 Shaw Festival (arts review). Keith Garebian. No. 4: 160-70. Regionalism in Canada: Disentangling the Threads. Peter McCormick. No. 2: 5-21 . Representing 711eatre: Stratford's 1989 Season (arts review). Michael J. Sidnell. No. 4: 148-60. Robert Gourlay's Millennial Vision: A ' Reader's Guide. William Butt. No. 1: 66-80. Robertson Davies and the Comish Trilogy (review article). W.J. Keith. No. 1: 140-45. Shaping the Legacy: 111e Ballet in 1988-89 (arts review). James E. Neufeld. No. 3: 129-39. Small Town Fragmentation and the Politics ofCommunity. David M. Rayside. No. 1: 103-20. Sui Ungenerous (editorial). Michael A. Peterman. No. 2: 3-4, 165. The Technical Service Council's Origins: A "Patriotic Experiment" in Selling Engineers . Philip C. Enros. No. 4: 87-106. The Torollfo Daily Mail, Edward Farrer, and the Question ofCanadian-American Union. Carman Cumming. No. 1: 121-39. Trials and Tribulations: The Decline ofAngloCanadian Trade , 1945-50. Bruce Muirhead. No. 1: 50-65. 'We throw the torch'.· Canadian Memorials of the Great War andthe Mythology ofHeroic Sacrifice. Alan R. Young. No. 4: 5-28. 212 BOOKS REVIEWED/LIVRES RECENSES BISZTRAY, GEORGE. Hungarian Canadian Literature. No. 2: 153-56. BRIMELOW. PETER. The Patria! Game: National Dreams & Political Realities. No. 2: 146-53. CAMERON. DUNCAN. ed. 711e Free Trade Papers. No. I: 146-55. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory. No. 3: 146-73. DAVIES. ROBERTSON. The Lyre ofOrpheus. No. 1: 140-45. ___. 711e Rebel Angels. No. I: 140-45. ____. What's Bred in rhe Bone. No. I: 140-45. DOTY , C. STEWART, ed. 711e First FrancoAmericans : New England Life Histories from the Federal Writers' Project 1938-1939. No. 3: 140-46. EISLER, DALE. Rumours ofGlory: Saskatchewan & the Thatcher Years. No. 2: 146-53. GODARD, BARBARA, ed . Gynocritics: Feminist Approaches to Writing by Canadian and Quebecoise Women. No. 3: 146-73. GREER, ALLAN. Peasant, Lord, and Merchant: Rural Society in 711ree Quebec Parishes, 1740-1840. No. 3: 140-46. HUTCHEON, LINDA. T71e Canadian Postmodem : A StudyofConlemporary EnglishCanadian Fiction. No. 3: 146-73. ____. A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory and Fiction. No. 3: 146-73. KROKER, ARTHUR, and DAVID COOK. 711e Postmodem Scene: Excremental Culture and Hyper-Aesthetics. No. 3: 146-73. KROKER, ARTHUR. and MERILOUISE KROKER, eds., Body Invaders: Panic Sex in America. No. 3: ·146-73. MANDEL, ELI, and DAVID TARAS. eds. A Passion for Identity: An Introduction to Canadian Studies. No. 4: 172-77. MIQUELON, DALE. New France 1701-1733: "A Supplement to Europe. "No. 3: 140-46. MISKA. JOHN, comp. Canadian Studies on Hungarians, 1886-1986: An Annotated Bibliography ofPrimary and Secondary Sources. No. 2: 153-56. MITCHELL, DAVID J. Succession: The Political Reshaping ofBritish Columbia. No. 2: 146-53. MONK, PHILIP. Struggles with the Image. No. 3: 146-73. MOSS, JOHN. ed. Future Indicative: Literary Theorv and Canadian Literall/re. No. 3: 146-73. NEUMAN. SHIRLEY. and SMARO KAMBOURELI , eds. A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing. No. 3: 146-73. Revue detudes canadiennes Parachute: Art Co11temporain/Co11temporary Art. No. 3: 146-73. POTEET. MAURICE, dir. Textes de l'exode: recueil de texres sur /'emigration des Quebecois mix Etats-Unis (X!Xe et XXe siec/es). No. 3: 140-46. REGEHR, ERNIE. Anns Canada: The Deadly Business of Military Exports. No. I: 146-55. SMITH, DOROTHY. The Eve1)'day World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. No. 3: 146-73. SPEIRS, ROSEMARY. Out of the Blue: T11e Fallof the T01y Dynasty in Ontario. No. 2: 146-53. TANCRED-SHERIFF. PETA, ed. Feminist Research : Prospect and Retrospect. No. 3: 146-73. TOMLIN, BRIAN W., and MAUREEN APPEL MOLOT, eds. 1986/Talking Trade: Canada Among Nations. No. I: 146-55. Vanguard. No. 3: 146-73. Young lives so easy to break so hard to mend. You can make the difference. Founded by Dr. Lotta Hltschmanova, C.C., In 1945 ,------------~---------- • Please send contributions to: : USC q;, 56 Sparks 1 Canada Ottawa, K1 P 581 I I My contribution $ -------is enclosed. (Postdated cheques wetcome) I USC Mli_ 11 i ~:d; 1 .55 sd5 .ress·,, - - - - - - - - - - - v m - (Please print and indicate apt. no. and postal code) Canada: Registration number 006 4758 09 10 ...

