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New Books Archives Woodhead, Eileen. Trademarks on BaseMetal Tableware. Ottawa: Environment Canada, 1991. 331 pp. $25.00paper. Biography and Memoirs Bale, Gordon. Chief Justice William Johnstone Ritchie: Responsible Government and Judicial Review. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1991. 382 pp. Fisher, Robin. Duff Pattullo of British Columbia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 445 pp. $40.00 cloth. Fleming, R.B. The Railway King ofCanada: Sir William Mackenzie, i849-i923. Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1991. 340 pp. $29.95 cloth. Frost, Stanley Brice. The Man in the ivory Tower: F. Cyril James ofMcGill. Montreal /Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 314 pp. $34.95 cloth. Mills, Allen. Fool for Christ: The Political Thought ofJ.S. Woodsworth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 301 pp. $18.95 paper, $50.00 cloth. Smart, Patricia, ed. The Diary of Andre Laurendeau. Toronto: Lorimer, 1991. 176 pp. $16.95 paper. Communication Innis, Harold. The Bias ofCommunication. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 226 pp. $19.95 paper. Nelson, Joyce. Sultans of Sleaze: Public Relations and the Media. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1989. 164 pp. Singer, Benjamin D. Communications in Canadian Society. Toronto: Nelson, 1991. 454 pp. Culture and the Arts Barry, P.S. Mystical Themes in Milk River Rock Art. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1991. 130pp. $34.95hard cover. Lerner, Loren R., and Mary F. Williamson. Art and Architecture in Canada/Art et Architecture au Canada, 2 vols. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 1537 pp. Joumal ofCanadian Studies Vol. 26, No. 2 (Ere 1991 Summer) Economics and Business Abele, Frances, ed. How Ottawa Spends: The Politics ofFragmentation. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1991. 382 pp. $21 .95 paper. Asimakopulos, Athanasios, Robert D. Cairns, and Christopher Green, eds. Economic Theory, Welfare andthe State: Essays in Honour ofJohn C. Weldon. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991 . 268 pp. $49.95 cloth. Fairbairn, Brett, et al. Co-operatives and Community Development: Economics in Socia/Perspective. Saskatoon: University ofSaskatchewanCentre for the Study of Co-operatives, 1991. 141 pp. Environmental and Resource Studies Lorimer, Rowland, Michael M'Gonigle, Jean-Pierre Reveret, andSally Ross, eds. To See Ourselvesffo Save Ourselves: Ecology and Culture in Canada. Montreal : Association for Canadian Studies, 1991. 183 pp. Wenzel, George. Animal Rights, Human Rights: Ecology, Economy andideology in the Canadian Arctic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 206 pp. $18.95 paper, $55.00 cloth. History Adams, Joan, and Becky Thomas. Floating Schools and Frozen Inkwells: The Oneroom Schools of British Columbia. Madeira Park: Harbour, 1991. 152 pp. $16.95 paper. Bernier, Serge, et Jean Pariseau. Les Canadiensfran<;ais etle bilinguismedans Les Forces annees canadiennes vol. II. Ottawa: Ministre des Approvisionnements et ServicesCanada, 1991. 871 pp. Bervin, George. Quebec au XIXe Siecle: L'activite economique des grands marchands. Sillery: Septentrion, 1991. 290 pp. Bowler, R. Arthur, ed. War Along the Niagara: Essays on the Warofi 812 and Its Legacy. Youngstown: Old Fort Niagara, 1991. 120pp. Buisseret, David. Mapping the French Empire inNorth America: Aninterpretive Guide. Chicago: The Newberry Library, 199l. 102 pp. 173 Catonguay, Jacques. Philippe Aubert de Gaspe: Seigneur et Homme de lettres. Sillery: Septentrion, 1991. 203 pp. Copp, Terry, and Bill McAndrew. Battle Exhaustion: Soldiers and Psychiatrists intheCanadianArmy, 1939-1945. Montreal /Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1990. 249 pp. $29.95 cloth. Gauvreau, Michael. The Evangelical Century : College and Creed in English Canada from the Great Revival to the Great Depression. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 398 pp. $39.95 cloth. Hadley, Michael L., and Roger Sarty. TinPots and Pirate Ships: Canadian Naval Forces and German Sea Raiders, 18801918 . Montreal/Kingston: McGill/ Queen's University Press, 1991. 391 pp. $34.95 cloth. Knight, David B. Choosing Canada's Capital: Conflict Resolutionin a Parliamentary System. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991. 398 pp. $18.95 paper. MacLeod, Malcolm. A Bridge Built Halfway: A History of Memorial University College , 1925-1950. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1990. 376 pp. $34.95 cloth. Mitchinson, Wendy. The Nature of their Bodies: Women andtheirDoctorsin Victorian Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 474 pp. $22.95 paper, $60.00 cloth. Ommer, Rosemary E. From Outpost to Outport : A StructuralAnalysisoftheJerseyGaspe Cod Fishery, 1767-1886. Montreal /Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 245 pp. $39.95 cloth. Pannekoek, Frits. A Snug Little Flock: TheSocial Origins ofthe Riel Resistance of 1869-70. Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer, 1991. 276 pp. $17.00 paper, $35.00 cloth. Ruggles, Richard I. A Country So Interesting : The Hudson's BayCompanyandTwo CenturiesofMapping, 1670-1870. Montreal /Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 300 pp. $49.95 cloth. Sager, Eric W., with Gerald E. Panting. Maritime Capital: The Shipping Industry in Atlantic Canada, 1820-1914. Mon174 treal/Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1990. 289 pp. $39.95 cloth. Valverde, Mariana. The Age of Light, Soap and Water: Moral Reformin English Canada, 1885-1925. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1991. 205 pp. Verney, Jack. The Good Regiment: The Carigan-Salieres Regiment in Canada, 1665-1668. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/ Queen's University Press, 1991. 222 pp. $34.95 cloth. Ward, W. Peter. White Canada Forever: Popular Attitudes and Public Policy Toward Orientals in British Columbia, 2nd ed. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/ Queen's University Press, 1990. 207 pp. $16.95 paper. International Relations Barnacle, Peter J. Arbitration ofDischarge Grievances in Ontario: Outcomes and Reinstatement Experiences. Kingston: Queen's University, Industrial Relations Centre, 1991. 311 pp. Doran, Charles, and Alvin Paul Drischler. The UnitedStates, Canada andthe World Economy. Washington: The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, 1991. JOO pp. $14.95 paper. Globermen, Steven, ed. ContinentalAccord: North American Economic Integration. Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, 1991. 174pp. Gotlieb, Allan. I'll be With You in a Minute, Mr. Ambassador: The Education of a Canadian Diplomat in Washington. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 161 pp. $12.95 paper, $30.00 cloth. Hampson, Fen Osler, and Christopher J. Maule, eds. Afterthe Cold War: Canada Among Nations 1990-91. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1991. 280 pp. $21.95 paper. Lemco, Jonathan. Canada and the Crisis in CentralAmerica. New York: Praeger, 1991. 216 pp. $42.95 cloth. North, Liisa, ed. Between War and Peace in CentralAmerica: Choicesfor Canada. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1991. 287 pp. Swift, Jamie, and BrianTomlinson. Conflicts ofInterest: Canada andthe Third World. Revue detudes canadiennes Toronto: Between the Lines, 1991. 349 pp. $21.95 paper, $39.95 cloth. Tennyson, Brian Douglas, ed. CanadianCaribbean Relations: Aspects ofa Relationship . Sydney: Centre for International Studies, University College of Cape Breton, 1991. 379 pp. Literary Criticism Barbour, Douglas. Beyond Tish: New Writing, Interviews, Critical Essays. Edmonton: NeWestPress, 1991. 236pp. $14.95 paper. Frye, Northrop. The Double Vision: Language and Meaning in Religion. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 88 pp. $10.95 paper, $33.00cloth. McCarthy, Derrnot. A Poetics ofPlace: The Poetry of Ralph Gustafson. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 323 pp. $39.95 cloth. Pivato, Joseph, et al. Literatures ofLesser Diffusion/Les litteraturesdemoindrediffusion . Edmonton: UniversityofAlberta, Research Institute for Comparative Literature, 1991. 319 pp. $15 paper. Smart, Patricia. Writing in the Father's House: The Emergenceofthe Feminine in the Quebec Literary Tradition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 300pp. Thurston, John, ed. Voyages: Short Narratives ofSusanna Moodie. Ottawa: University ofOttawa Press, 1991. 256 pp. Native Studies Dionne, Helene, ed. L'oeil Amerindian: Regards sur l'animal. Ottawa: Museede la Civilisation, 1991. 118 pp. Flanagan,Thomas. Metis Landsin Ma11itoba. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1991. 245 pp. $17.95 paper, $24.95 cloth. New, W.H., ed. Native Writers and Canadian Writi11g. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1990. 310 pp. $34.95 cloth, $19.95 paper. Pocklington, T.C. 111e Government and Politics ofthe Alberta Metis Settlements. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1991. 175 pp. $26.00 paper. Tennant, Paul. Aboriginal Peoples and Politics: 111e Indian Land Question in Journal ofCanadian Studies British Columbia, 1849-1989. Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1990. 324pp. $39.95cloth, $19.95 paper. Politics and Law Bakvis, Herman. Regional Ministers: Power and Influence in the Canadian Cabinet. Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1991 . 378 pp. $22.95 paper, $50.00 cloth. Brodie, Janine. The Political Economy of Canadian Regionalism. Toronto: Harcourt, 1990. 246 pp. Cairns, Alan C. (Douglas E. Williams, ed.). Disruptions: Constitutional Struggles, from the Ozarterto MeechLake. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1991. 307 pp. $21.95 paper. Courchene, ThomasJ. T11e Communityofthe Canadas. Kingston: Queen's University InstituteofIntergovernmental Relations, 1991. 32 pp. Fenichel, Allen, and Sidney H. lngerrnan, eds. On the Political Economy ofSocial Democracy: Selected Papers of J.C. Weldon. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/ Queen's University Press, 1991. 213 pp. $39.95 cloth. Krause, Robert M. , and R.H. Wagenberg, eds. Introductory Readings in Canadian Government and Politics. Mississauga: CoppClark Pitman, 1991.412pp. $24.95 paper. Lallier, Adalbert. Sovereignty Association: Economic Realism or Utopia? Toronto: Mosaic Press, 1991. 87pp. $12.95 paper. Milne, David. 111e Canadian Constitution. Toronto: Lorimer, 1991. 374 pp. $9.95 paper. Richards, John, Robert D. Cairns, and Larry Pratt, eds. Social Democracy Without Illusions: Renewalofthe Canadian Left. Toronto: McClellandandStewart, 1991. 224 pp. $19.95 paper. Rosenblum, Simon, and Peter Findlay, eds. Debating Canada's Future: Views from theLeft. Toronto: Lorimer, 1991. 310pp. Savoie, Donald J. 711e Politics ofLanguage. Kingston: Institute ofIntergovernmental Relations, Queen's University, 1991. 23 pp. $4.00 paper. 175 Watts, Ronald L., and Douglas K. Brown. Options for a New Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 341 pp. $19.95 paper, $50.00cloth. Young, Robert. Confederation in Crisis. Toronto: Lorimer, 1991. 107 pp. Religious Studies Fahey, Curtis. In His Name: The Anglican Experience in Upper Canada, 17911854 . Ottawa: CarletonUniversity Press, 1991. 350 pp. Hart, Julia CatherineBeckwith. Ed. Douglas G. Lochhead. St. Ursula's Convent, or The Nun of Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991. 237 pp. $12.95 paper. Sociology Bamhorst, Richard, and Laura C. Johnson. The State of the Child in Ontario. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991. 206 pp. $19.95 paper. Butler, Gary R. Saying Isn't Believing: Conversation, Narrative and the Discourse ofBeliefin a French Newfoundland Community. St. John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University, 1990. 199 pp. DeKeserey, Walter S. , and Ronald Hinch. Woman Abuse: Sociological Perspectives . Toronto: 'Thompson Educational Publishing, 1991. 161 pp. Urban Studies Doucet, Michael, and John Weaver. Housing the North American City. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/Queen's UniversityPress, 1991. 572 pp. $55.00. Gerecke, Kent, ed. The Canadian City. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1991. 268 pp. 176 Heick, W.H. Propensity to Protect: Butter, Margarine andtheRise ofUrban Culture in Canada. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1991. 229 pp. Rayside, David M. A Small Town in Modern Times: Alexandria, Ontario. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 336 pp. $39.95 cloth. Women's Studies Backhouse, Constance. Petticoats and Prejudice : Women and Law in NineteenthCentury Canada. Toronto: Women's Press, 1991. 467 pp. Baines, Carol, Patricia Evans, and Sheila Neysmith, eds. Women's Caring: FeministPerspectiveson Social Welfare. Toronto: McClellandandStewart, 1991. 310 pp. $18.95 paper. Dhruvarajan, Vanaja. Women and WellBeing . Montreal/Kingston: McGill/ Queen's University Press, 1990. 237 pp. $34.95 cloth, $17.95 paper. Kinnear, Mary. Margaret McWilliams: An Jnterwar Feminist. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 210 pp. $34.95 cloth. Thompson, Elizabeth. The Pioneer Woman: A Canadian Character Type. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 199 pp. Wine, Jeri Dawn, and Janice L. Ristock. Women and Social Change: Feminist Activism in Canada. Toronto: Lorimer, 1991. 400 pp. $24.95 paper. Martin, Michele. Hello Central? Gender, Technology, andCulture in theFormation of Telephone Systems. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1991. 219 pp. $34.95 cloth. Revue detudes canadiennes ...

